It wasn’t exciting, per se. But it was definitely helping me relax.

It had been way too long since I’d had a really good hookup. Summer had been all about football, and now that the school year had started, I’d been way too busy to think about checking the dating apps.

I wanted that feeling again. I wanted to hold a guy in my arms as I pressed inside of him, listening to his deep moan.

I didn’t do relationships—not anymore. I didn’t even let anybody sleep over next to me in my bed, and if they needed a place to crash, I took the couch and let them have my bed for the night alone.

But I would always enjoy the feeling of my skin hot up against another man’s as I made him come harder than he ever had before.

I sank back against my sheets, my body heating up as I got closer to orgasm.

A muffled sound came from the hallway. I ignored it, squeezing my eyes shut. The downstairs neighbors often pumped up the music on weekends, and I was about to come. I needed to come. I imagined pumping into some cute guy, imagined him pushing back onto my cock, milking me of all my cum. Taking care of me, just how I needed it.

I needed it so fucking badly.

I shot my load all over, realizing only after the fact that I’d forgotten to grab a towel beforehand.

Typical. I always forgot something.

I lay my head back again, giving myself a second to come back down to Earth as I held my slowly deflating cock in my fist. I was covered in cum, and definitely needed to change my shirt now.

That had been good. Really good.

The sound of hardwood floors creaking came from the hallway.

That didn’t sound like downstairs. That sounded like it was right here—

“Um, Brody? Is this yours—”

“Fuck,” I uttered as I opened my eyes to see my housemate leaning in through the cracked door, his eyes immediately going wide.

He looked mortified.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” he said, turning around immediately and dropping a big paper bag on the floor in the hallway. “I just—I came home and saw this big bag of food on our doorstep for you—”

“Hey, no need to apologize,” I said, standing up and reaching for my box of tissues on the other side of the room. “In fact, come on in and watch next time. I wouldn’t mind.”

It was a joke that made me smile to myself, but Logan had already scurried off. Hell, if he had walked in on me just a minute earlier, it would probably have been the hottest thing to happen to me all year.

I liked being watched. And I definitely liked the idea of a cutie like him watching me.

Not that I’d ever admit that to him.

I was safely behind the door now as I cleaned up, and I threw on a clean T-shirt and a new pair of sweats before going out into the living room.

Logan was there, grabbing a couple of books from the shelf. His sandy-colored hair was slightly disheveled as usual, and right now he was wearing his black-rimmed glasses and a nice cardigan sweater, making him look the part of a cute-as-hell, academic nerdy boy.

Christ, he almost looked exactly like some of my favorite twinks in porn videos. Roomie was actually kind of hot, even though I was pretty sure he barely tolerated me.

“I’m sorry about that, Logan,” I said. “But I promise you, I don’t mind having a cute guy’s eyes on me while I’m covered in cum.”

It was another joke meant to relieve the tension I saw in his face, but as I said it, his eyes only went wider. They were a gorgeous, clear blue color, like two jewels behind the frames of his glasses.

“No, I’m sorry. Again. How come you didn’t lock the door?” he asked, his eyes meeting mine.

“Well, I… forgot,” I said. It was the truth, but it sounded so feeble. “Story of my life.”

“I’m just going to head into my room and read,” Logan said, his cheeks still a little flushed. “It won’t happen again.”

“Hey, it’s a natural thing,” I said, trying to defuse the situation and do whatever I could to make it less awkward. Mostly for his sake, not my own. “I mean, we all do it. I’m definitely not upset. And thank you for bringing my Chinese in.”

“You’re welcome,” he said before disappearing into his room, shutting the door gently behind him.

I sighed, walking back over to the giant bag of food. I sat down on the couch, taking all of the containers out, spreading them across the coffee table, and grabbing some paper plates from the kitchen.

A minute later, the door to Logan’s room slowly swung open again. He was holding a book, and he eyed me like he was some lost deer eyeing its predator.