He shrugged one shoulder. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

I pressed my lips to his neck, sucking a slow, wet kiss onto the soft skin.

He hummed. “Okay, fine, you’re totally right,” he said, his tone instantly more relaxed because I was kissing him. “I do want it to be special. At least a little bit.”

“Mhm,” I said. “And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s for the better. Do you want to know how dumb my first time was?”

“Yeah,” he said.

He was looking down at me and his eyes suddenly looked so vulnerable, like I’d somehow worn him down and now he was fully himself again. The crystal blue of his eyes was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. The kind of eyes that would make me fall for somebody, if that was something I ever let myself do anymore.

It made my heart ache.

And I was starting to think Logan might be the sweetest person I’d ever met.

“Come to bed with me,” I said softly, running my palm along his lower back again. “I want to get cozy with you. Hang out for a little bit. And then I promise I’ll tell you any awful stories from my past you want to hear.”

“In your bed? Like, now?”

I squeezed his hips. “Yes. I still want you in my bed, even if I don’t do sleepovers. And even if I’m not going to fuck you senseless. Yet.”



My body was buzzing so hard from the inside that I felt like I’d just stepped onto an electrical current.

I was doing it. I was living the kind of life that I’d long thought was unavailable to me. And all I’d had to do was lean in and kiss him.

I was running on pure adrenaline. And my dick was hard as hell, just from hearing Brody say that one word.


He’d said he wasn’t going to fuck me senseless yet.

I’d been so sure that Brody was just letting me down easy—that he didn’t want to hook up with me, so he was being kind and telling me to wait for some other guy to be my first time. But now he’d said he didn’t want to fuck me yet. And the idea that sometime in the future, he just might do it, was enough to drive me fucking crazy.

“Let me change into sweatpants,” I said, hopping off of his lap and straining to walk normally with the way my jeans were pressed up against my stupidly hard dick. I scurried into my room, manically rooting around. I pulled on the first clean pair of sweats I found and a fresh oversized T-shirt.

As I walked back across the living room and down the hall to Brody’s room, I felt like I was entering an entirely different world, not just a different room of the house. I’d never even fully stepped into Brody’s room. I always let him have his privacy.

Other than the time I’d walked in on him covered in cum, of course.

When I got there, Brody was busy fluffing up the pillows and making a little nest of blankets.

“All yours,” he said, turning to smile at me, one of his dimples making an appearance.

I glanced around his room. He hadn’t really done much decorating, that was for sure. There wasn’t anything on the walls other than right next to the door, where he’d put three post-it notes:

Keys, wallet, watch!

REMEMBER dinner with Roman and Mom Sunday

American History - Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy

The third little post-it note made my heart leap. Brody had opened up to me about how forgetful he was, and the fact that one of his important reminders was about the stuff I’d tutored him in made me feel proud in a way I wasn’t expecting.

He was really trying. And that made my heart wild with affection for him.

There wasn’t much else to his room. Clothes, uniforms, and shoes filled the open closet. There were at least two footballs on the floor, from what I could see. The desk was scattered with a bunch of papers, disorganized in a way that would have made me crazy if it were my own room—but because it was Brody, it was adorable.

When I turned back around again he was kicking back in the bed, getting comfortable under the covers.

“Come here,” he said, looking at me like he knew exactly how appealing he looked. “Warm me up a little, Logan.”

Now my heart leapt up somewhere high in my chest. I took a deep breath and went over to the other side of the queen-sized bed, getting in under the covers with him even though it felt like breaking some sort of rule.

This isn’t something you do, Logan.

You don’t get in bed with anybody, let alone hot jocks.

Don’t fuck this up.

Just. Act. Normal.

But my usual little carousel of thoughts melted away instantly as soon as I got in the bed. Brody scooted over toward me immediately, draping an arm over my chest and pulling me in close.