“Because if I’m going to die, I would rather say I went on a date with a beautiful woman first. So, Chanel, will you go on a date with me?”

Sergio laughs behind him, but Lucas pays no attention.

“You won’t die,” I say, not really believing that could be a possibility.

“Just say yes.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, looking him in the eyes. “Now?”

“Yes, now.”

“Okay,” I manage to say.

Why I agree, only God knows.

“Umm… why are we here?” I ask as we come to a stop at a little store. Lucas doesn’t answer as he gets out of the car, and comes around, and opens my door. I get out, and he grips my hand, lacing his fingers with mine before he pulls me toward the entrance.

The store is filled with books and cakes, and it smells divine.

“A bookstore?”

“Yes,” is all he replies.

“You read? I assumed the books were for display,” I say as he takes a seat at a small table.

“I read a lot, actually.”

Wow, I didn’t expect that.

I wander down an aisle, my fingers running along the spines of the books as I walk around the store. “I love the smell of books,” I tell him.

“I love the smell of you,” he says, making me look back at him.


“Your smell is like an overload of endorphins. The same way people seek out eating certain foods to make them feel better, I seek out you.”

“Do I make you feel better?”

Lucas watches me from his seat at the table. “You do. Now, I want you to pick as many books as you want.”

I give him a puzzled look. “Our date is me picking books?”

“Yes. Any book your heart desires. You pick, I buy,” he explains.

“I don’t read,” I tell him.

“Now is the perfect time to start,” he says with a smile. “To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorites. Though, women seem to like something with a bit more romance.” He nods his head to my left. “Romance section. Try reading the back cover and see if anything interests you.” I walk over to the romance section and pick up a book. Turning it over, I read a bit of the blurb on the back.

* * *

“Broken is what he is, broken is all he will ever be…”

When I look up, I see his eyes set on my lips.

“Sounds like you when you think about it.” I smile, then pick up the next book.

“‘Her heart told her one thing while her head told her another…’” I place the book back on the shelf.