I wave her off as Keir walks over and grabs Wren from my arms. “It’s her bedtime,” he tells me. Then to Wren he says, “You can see Chanel another day.” I smile as they leave.

“I already forgave him, you know,” Sailor says, sitting down and admiring the shoes out in front of her. “But these…” she waves one around on her finger, “… are an added bonus.”

“Has Keir forgiven him?” I ask.

“Ha, no. He still wants to murder him, but I think he understands. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak. And letting Lucas live portrays him as just that, so he’s making him pay. All hours, he calls him for the stupidest shit. But then I remind him, Lucas is in love.” She gives me a soft smile. “And that Keir would do the same if he thought I was killed.”

“He isn’t sleeping,” I tell her.

“I stay out of it as much as I can. I like Lucas, I do. But Keir kills for less, and Lucas should be dead. So I just have to let it play out until Keir’s anger at him has dissipated.”

I nod, but I don’t really get it.

I also don’t want to get involved in their world either.

“So, tell me, now you remember everything. How have you been? I’m so sad I missed you for so long. When I saw you again on the plane, I was so excited. You’ve done so well.” Her smile is kind and true.

“Thank you.”

“And… you even got engaged?” she asks.

“Lucas killed him.” Sailor’s eyes go wide. “Lucas found out that he caused the accident and called me trash,” I try to explain.

“Well, that would explain it, then.” She laughs. “They are so much alike, yet so different,” she says, looking over my shoulder. I turn to see Keir leaning against the door frame.

“I would have killed him,” Keir says. “I’ve sent him home,” he tells me as he takes a seat next to his wife.

I stand, offering a smile. “I’d like to do lunch soon, with the kids, if you’re free?”

“For you, anytime,” Sailor says, her head dropping back to Keir’s chest behind her.

I offer them both a wave before I walk out.

Adora is leaning against her car as I approach, biting her nails.


“He recognized me,” she says nervously. “And now I don’t know what to do.”

“He just said you looked familiar. He doesn’t know who you are,” I reassure her.

“Lucas won’t tell him?” she asks.

“Only if he asks,” I tell her honestly. “But Lucas has a way with diverting the truth,” I inform her.

“Yeah, okay.” She gets into her car, not saying anything else, then she drives off. As I move to my own car, Joey’s walking down the street, his eyes squinting as he looks at me.

“Who was that you were talking to?” he asks as he gets closer.

“She works at the bookstore Lucas owns,” I tell him, and he nods.

“How are you?”

“Be better if your maniac boyfriend hadn’t shot me.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Not your fault.” He passes me without stopping on his way into the house. I check my phone and shoot Lucas a message that I’m on my way.