“Yes, Sailor. How is she?”

“I should have killed you the first time.”


“The urge to put a bullet straight in your brain right now is pissing me off.”

“Why isn’t one in my head already?” I ask.

He stands, strides to the door, and shuts it before he turns back to me. “Sit on the chair, Lucas. If you wish to act like you’re in charge, start doing it.” I push off the floor, hiding the wince of pain from the strain of getting up, and sit in the damn chair. He walks back and sits in the chair opposite me.

“Joey is hurt, badly.”

“He’ll live.”

“Piper is hurt.”

“Again, she’ll live,” I tell him.

Keir slams his hand on the table. “Stop with your smart-ass mouth, Lucas. Just. Fucking. Stop.”

“Yes, boss.” He puts the gun on the table, pulls out a knife, and leans forward before he stabs it into the bullet wound, digging into my flesh hitting the bullet that’s lodged in there. My teeth clench together at the pain that radiates through my leg as his eyes lock on mine.

“Sailor says I should let you live.”

“Since when do you take orders from a woman?” I bark back at him, the knife still in my leg.

“She isn’t just a woman, Lucas. She is my wife,” he says quietly. “And she pleaded with me. Pleaded.”

“Well, shit! Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to kill her then.”

“Yes, that’s true,” he says through clenched teeth. “Though, I would have done the exact same if someone had done to her what I did to you.” He pulls the knife out and sits back.

“You getting soft now, boss?”

“Ha.” He lifts the knife and slams it back into my leg, leaving it there as he snaps his fingers.

The door opens, and Sergio is walked in between two of Keir’s men.

“Say goodbye.” Keir doesn’t give me a chance to speak. He lifts his gun while looking at me and shoots. Sergio falls with a single bullet shot straight to his brain.




“Apart from your mother, Sergio is the only other person you have kept around who is not family. This is your punishment, Lucas. I will not kill you… yet.” Keir stands, pulls the knife out again, and steps over Sergio’s lifeless body. “I see a lot of myself in you. Though, you are way more fucked-up than me. So this… and I mean this with every plea my wife could make because none will work again… is your last chance. And you know how rare that is coming from me.” Then he walks out, shutting the door, leaving me bleeding and panting for breath.

“Lucas.” The shop owner runs into the room, a towel in hand. She wraps it around my leg tightly. She looks at Sergio, then back to me. “What do I do about…” She nods to Sergio.

“Why are you not freaking out?” I ask, confused.

“My father, who I spoke to you about…” I nod, “… he worked for your family,” she says, then pulls her hands away before wiping them on her legs. “I’ll get something to clean up the mess.”

“Adora.” She stops at her name. “Who is your father?”

“I told you, a bad man.”