
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“You said it,” I tell him, lying back on the bed.

“The doctor’s in Vegas right now, staying at the hotel across from you. My guess is she is as well.”

“You can track them?”

“No, the idiot is posting about it.” He laughs. “Oh, look, just posted outside a restaurant.”

“Which one?” I ask, getting up from the bed in a hurry and putting on my shoes. Sergio informs me of where, and I make my way out. I manage to miss everyone as I get outside the restaurant, then spot them straight away. She’s dressed in a blue sequin snug-fitting dress with black heels. He has her pulled to him, his body melding into hers as her hands rest on his chest. He leans in, and I wait.

Will she allow him to kiss her on the lips?

At the last moment, she turns her head, and he kisses her cheek. She smiles at something he says, his lips still on her, and as she does, her eyes—those chocolate brown orbs that haunt me—lift, and they find me standing against a wall, watching them.

The smile dies down, and her mouth opens slightly.

He doesn’t notice as he drops his hands from her waist and turns to speak to the group with them. She takes a step backward, and I stride straight over to her, clutching her arm, and pulling her with me into the nearest bathroom, which isn’t too far around the corner

“Lucas,” she says, trying to tug her arm free. “How did you know where I was?”

“Mia per sempre.” Her eyes go wide in recognition of the name. “You use it as your handle. I see you’ve stepped up your game and now use social media.”

“I had to evolve. I even have a TikTok account.” She smirks. “Though, I don’t do anything on it but watch.”

“I’m sure a video of you shaking your ass would get millions of views. Pity I would have to kill everyone who watches it, though.”

Chanel’s mouth drops open in shock. Her hand waves between us since I haven’t closed the gap just yet.

“Tell me, do you miss me?” I want to hear her answer badly.

Chanel’s eyes close softly before they lock back to mine. “Should you even be here? I heard the rumors, Lucas. You had a choice… me or your life. You chose right. We would have never worked.”

“Why, because you plan to marry a doctor?”

Her eyes close, and she shakes her head as I hear a small sigh escape her lips. “I don’t even want to know how you found out that information, Lucas. But no, you know we would have never worked. Keir did us both a favor.”

“No, he did not.”

“You gave me to your father as if I were some sort of damn toy, Lucas. So Keir did the right thing.”

“I didn’t know any better,” I tell her one more time.

Why is she bringing it up? Does she miss me?

“Oh, and now, two years later, when I’ve moved on, worked on my life, and am a better person… now, you know better?” She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You can make any woman fall in love with you, just not me.”

“Love. Why do you throw that word around so easily? I’m sure your parents used to say it to each other before they got fucked-up.”

She looks over her shoulder before she glances back at me. And with those subtle movements, I know I don’t like not having her full attention.

“They did get fucked-up, I agree. But I know love, Lucas. I have it for my brother, and I may have had it once for you as well.”

I step into her personal space. Our bodies are so close if I reached a finger between us, it would be touching her. I could put my face into her neck and smell her, holding that body I’ve missed so much close to me.

“You forgot to mention your fiancé.” I smirk.