Decker stood up. “I … I’ve got to go.”

Decker Senior smiled. “Go and get her, son.”

Leaving his father’s house, he ran all the way back to his own, and he just knew she wasn’t going to be there. The first sign was the lack of lighting in his home. They had good vision in the dark, but they also had to use light at night.

There was no sign of her.

Next, he went to her apartment. He didn’t knock and he also didn’t sense her. Ever since they’d started to be together, he’d noticed a connection with her. Without much effort, he was able to know when she was close. It also helped that he loved the smell of vanilla.

There was only one other place she’d go.

He went straight to Blueberry’s house. With no way to gain access to her apartment, he stepped back and glanced around, looking for a stone or something to hit the window. He found a twig and aimed up toward the window.

No one came.

He did the same again, and this time, Blueberry came.

“You do realize a phone call would have worked?” she asked.

“I need to see Misha,” he said.

“I’ll be right down.”

He went to the shop front door and waited.

She came toward him, wrapped in a robe. The instant she opened the door, he stepped inside. “Where is she?” he asked.

“Sleeping. Where else would she be? You walked out on her?” Blueberry asked.

“I … it’s complicated.”

Blueberry hit his arm. It wasn’t hard or even violent. “How could you do that? Do you have any idea how worried Misha was when she saw the test results?”

“No, I—”

“No, as usual, you only cared about yourself. You promised not to hurt her, and yet here you are hurting her. Ugh, you make me so angry!”

“I didn’t want to hurt her, but I was dealing with some stuff.”

“You’re going to go selfish on me now, is that it?”

“I was wrong. Okay? I need to see Misha. I’ve got to talk to her.”

Blueberry folded her arms and stared at him.

He knew from previous dealings with this woman, it was best for her to make a decision without pissing her off.

He waited.

She was a hard ass.

“Fine. You can come up, but if you so much as hurt her, I will curse you.”

“You’re not a witch.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do it!” She reached past him, locking the door.

He followed her out of the shop and toward the back where it led to her apartment.

She closed each door behind him, locking as they went.

“You’re being overly precautious,” he said.

“Humans are close again. I don’t like to take my chances.”

They walked up the small set of steps, and Blueberry stepped out of the way to let him past.

He took in her apartment, and his wolf began to calm down as he smelled his mate. Misha was close.

“She’s in the spare bedroom.”


Blueberry took his arm. “You have got to stop hurting her. She doesn’t deserve to have her emotions tested like this.”

“I won’t harm her.”

“Good.” She let him go.

She left him alone, and he stood outside of Misha’s door. He opened it and stepped inside. Adjusting to the low lighting, he looked at the bed and saw her. Curled up, sleeping. She made low snoring sounds, which made him smile.

She was so adorable.

Decker stripped out of his clothes, leaving on his boxer briefs, and climbed in behind her on the bed. They could have this conversation in the morning. For now, he wanted to hold his pregnant mate and fall asleep.

Chapter Eleven

Misha opened her eyes and became aware of two things. First, she wasn’t in her own apartment. This was Blueberry’s place. Second, she knew Decker was at her back.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said.

She rolled over and sure enough, Decker was in her bed. “I don’t recall inviting you.”

“You were sleeping. I came in late last night. Blueberry let me in.”

“I’m surprised she let you in at all.”

“She’s very protective of you.”

Misha smiled. “I didn’t expect to see you.”

He cupped her face, pushing some of her hair back behind her ears. “I’m sorry for running out on you like that. It was wrong of me.”

“I’m pregnant.”

“I’m not going to run away. We’re going to have a baby.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

“You’re happy?”

“Yes. So fucking happy. You’re mine, Misha. I want you to be my mate.”

Tears filled her eyes. She didn’t know what to say. “But you ran out last night.”

“I … I owe you an explanation. One I think is three years overdue.”

She frowned. “We don’t need to talk about this.”

“We do, or at least I do. I was never angry about you being my mate. I love you. When I saw you and I felt this giant pull tugging me to you, I wasn’t angry, or hurt, or even afraid. I saw you and I just knew. This woman was going to be mine. I wanted you. I’ve never wanted anyone else the way I want you.”