For the first time in years, this place felt like a real home, and it was because of Misha. She knew what she was doing. The scents of her cooking filled the air. He didn’t know how she was able to come up with a meal without any fresh ingredients, but she worked away, getting everything prepared, and his mouth watered at the scents.

She added some pasta to the pot.

Within twenty minutes, they were seated at his kitchen table, enjoying some tomato sauce with chickpeas and pasta.

“I bought these to make hummus,” he said.

“They’re nearly out of date. When did you buy them?”

“I have no idea.”

She laughed. “You’re not much of a cook, are you?”

“I guess you can say that.” He twirled his fork into the pasta. “But this, this is heavenly. So good.” He groaned.

Watching her, he loved to see her eat. This was what he wanted.

You’re an idiot.

Three years’ waiting.

He felt like such an asshole for taking his time to get his head out of his ass.

“So, what were you going to tell me?” he asked. He hadn’t forgotten that Misha had come to his place, and he doubted it was for a tour and to make them dinner.

Misha slurped up some of her pasta, then used the napkin to dab at her lips. “Er, well, you see, I went to Blueberry because— Well, you see…”

He leaned across the table, putting his hand on hers. “Please, do not worry.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Chapter Ten


Misha nodded. She’d been so nervous.

Blueberry had done the first test, then the second test. Misha had asked for her to carry out six whole tests to see if any of them showed a negative result. None of them had. She was pregnant with Decker’s child.

They hadn’t used any condoms. They’d been having sex constantly. She’d not had her period. They weren’t even mated, and she was pregnant.

Staring across the table, she felt the sickness swirling in her stomach. Would he be angry? Was she about to be rejected a second time? Or would this be her third time? Her parents didn’t want her, Decker hadn’t wanted her. Did he want to be a dad?

Time seemed to stand still.

Nerves ran up her back. This wasn’t fair. She hated this.

“You’re pregnant,” he said.


“You’re sure?”

This wasn’t good. If he was happy with the news, he’d be jumping for joy, wouldn’t he? Was he upset? Angry? Was he disappointed at being tied to her? He wanted to mate. He’d broached the mating, but now there was a baby involved.

She nibbled on her lip, waiting. She stopped when she realized he wanted an answer.

“Yes, I’m sure. So sure. Blueberry and I took many tests. There is absolutely no doubt at all. We’re pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.” She forced a smile to her lips.

With each passing second, her heart started to break. This wasn’t good.

Suddenly, Decker got up, and she whimpered. He stepped back from the table.


“I … please, do not go anywhere.”

“Decker, what the hell?”

“I … please, don’t leave.” He moved toward her, cupping her face, and he slammed his lips down on hers. “I’m so happy. So glad about the baby, but I got to, I have to, I need to talk to my dad.”

“Decker, why?” she asked.

“Please, I will tell you. I promise.”

He got up and she sat there, with their plates still half full, then Decker left.

Misha stared at the table.

He’d kissed her. Decker had smiled at her, but he’d also left.

What the hell had just happened?

Misha got to her feet. After putting the pasta into a bowl, she placed a cover over it and put it in the fridge. Slowly, going through the motions, she started to clean away all the dishes. She worked until his kitchen was spotless, but she didn’t stay.

Grabbing her jacket on the way out, she closed his door, and set off, going toward the town square. The pack was walking around, going about their business.

How did other pregnant mates feel?

We’re not mates.

You haven’t taken him.

Misha didn’t want to go home.

Blueberry’s shop was still open.

Tears filled her eyes as she walked across the town square. From time to time, people stopped, concerned. She smiled at them, pretending that tears weren’t leaking down her face, nor that her heart was breaking with every step she took.

She was happy.

No, she was breaking inside, and it was all because Decker was a strange person.

She stepped into Blueberry’s shop. Her friend was with a couple of customers, and it looked like they were purchasing a crystal of some kind. Misha stepped into the back, in the office, and slumped down into the only available chair.

In her mind, she played Decker’s reaction on repeat.

He hadn’t been happy, nor had he been sad. Why did he have to leave? Why did he have to talk to someone?

Resting her head in her hands, she felt the start of a headache. This wasn’t good.