Two kisses. They were incredible.

She didn’t want them to stop. Her mouth tingled from the touch.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Sir, your five o’clock is here.”

Misha licked her lips and knew their time had come to an end.

“I’ll be right there,” Decker said. He turned his gaze to hers. His lips looked swollen from their kisses. “Do not allow a man to touch what belongs to me,” he said.

“You won’t take me, Decker.”

He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She felt the hard ridge of his cock as it pressed against her stomach. “You’re mine, Misha. Don’t ever fucking forget it. Get some shoes on.” Decker let her go, and she watched him leave.

Who the hell did he think he was ordering her around? She folded her arms even as her body wanted nothing more than to drag him back and to finish what he started.


Two kisses.

Two moments of weakness.

Decker paced his living room, running a hand across his face, trying to clear his thoughts, but all he kept seeing was Misha. All he felt in his arms was Misha. His cock was hard as fucking rock. Pre-cum leaked out the tip.

The urge to mate with her was strong. Stronger than it ever had been before.

He needed her. The desire to feel her pussy wrapped around his dick was unimaginable.

He tightened his hands into fists, trying to think of anything and everything. At first, he imagined sheep just walking across a fence, attempting to count them. That didn’t distract him. This wasn’t good.

His control kept Misha safe. She didn’t deserve this life.

Raising his fist, he slammed it into the nearest door, which was no match for his strength as it went straight through.


He’d never been this … desperate before.

Those kisses had awakened his need for her. It had always been there, lingering beneath the surface, threatening to spill out.

This was a nightmare.

Gripping the doorframe, he heard the sound of the wood splintering beneath his touch.

In and out. He attempted deep breaths.

Nothing worked. There was nothing to calm this storm rioting within him.

Within seconds, he was out of his house, and before he even realized what was happening, he was halfway across town, going straight to Misha’s apartment. Only, as he stopped a few feet from her place, he inhaled deeply and realized she wasn’t home. Her scent was stronger, going into the forest.

He knew he had to be careful with the way he acted because of the humans close by, but at that second, he didn’t give a shit who saw him. No one stopped him as he advanced toward the forest.

The wolf within him wanted him to change, to just roam free, to go and hunt. He held himself back.


Find her.

Mate her.

This was impossible. He was done holding back. Inhaling once again, he scented her and knew she was close by.

At the sound of twigs snapping and her voice, he came to a stop and looked.

There she was, near a small clearing. Her arms were outstretched with her head tilted up as she looked at the sky. She wore another of those sexy skirts that clung to her waist and hips but filled out into a full skirt. The shirt she wore was a couple of sizes bigger, but it only rested at the waistband of the skirt.

Her long, brown hair was down, and it flowed with each sway of movement she took. He couldn’t look away. She was so beautiful. Breathtakingly so.

Even though there were twenty-four years between them, Decker had known Misha was a free spirit. She didn’t hold back. Her smiles were full of meaning. Everything about her screamed passion.

He’d admired her, watched her, but until her first turning, he’d never known true aching need.

She was his. He could have her. All he needed to do was take. It would be so easy.

Misha turned, and her gaze landed right on him. “Can I not have any time to call my own? Are you stalking me now?”

He should tell her that he’d been watching her from afar for a long time. When it came to Misha, he was never too far. Rejecting her was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

Instead of hiding, he stepped out and came face to face with her. Decker noted her hands clenched into fists. Rarely did Misha show any violent tendencies, but it would seem he inspired the response.

“You do realize humans are close?” he asked. “You haven’t forgotten they’re in town? If anything is suspicious to them, it could bring danger to the entire pack.”

“Ugh, you’re so frustrating. I’m not dancing around naked or anything. I’m simply enjoying a nighttime stroll. Why do you have to be so annoying?”

“No one goes out for a stroll with no shoes on their feet.” He pointed at the ground. “And acting like a crazy person.”