“What the hell are you doing?”

As if her thoughts magically brought him to her, Decker was all of a sudden behind her. He grabbed her arm, marching her toward the town hall.

Some of the pack stopped to watch them, but she ignored him, trying to pull out of his hold. Decker was a lot stronger than her. The only way she could get out of his hold was when he finally allowed her free in his office, at the town hall.

“Let go of me,” she said, growling out each word so he knew she wasn’t just going to let him march all over her.

Damn it, he looked so good.

The unfairness of life.

Why couldn’t he have been cursed with warts, or some serious case of itching? Anything to make him look less appealing, and to make her feel even more justified in her anger.

She hoped he had a little dick, and any woman who decided to mate with him was deeply unsatisfied.

No one is mating with him but you.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked, standing her ground.

She was a grown woman. There was no way she was going to let him do this to her. He was the dick, not her.

“Where are your shoes?” He pointed down at her feet.

“Either at my apartment, or back at the shop,” she said. “Take your pick.”

“Damn it, Misha. Humans are staying near town. You know we have to keep our secret. The pack’s safety depends on it.”

“A woman walking through the town square on a hot day without shoes isn’t going to raise suspicion. Believe me. It feels so freeing.” She folded her arms across her chest. “However, the way you treated me, that’s going to raise suspicion. Maybe you should berate your own ass!”

He growled. The sound echoed around the room.

Misha wasn’t going to back down, and she certainly wasn’t about to pander to his need. She took a step toward him and growled right back.

No one was going to send her pitying looks anymore. From now on, Decker was the one who was going to be pitied, not her. She was done playing the rejected role. It was time for him to be the villain in all of this. He wouldn’t let her leave. He wouldn’t allow other males to mate with her. She had put that together years ago, and quite quickly. Any man who showed an interest in her, overnight, they either lost that interest or looked bruised and still paid her no attention.

The only person who would do that was Decker.

Again, another reason as to why she stuck around and didn’t run off. It still pissed her off that he would do this and still refuse to be her mate.

Decker was no longer going to get nice Misha. He was going to get pissed-off Misha. She wondered if he could handle it. “Back off,” she said.

“You may not care about this pack, but I do. This is my family, Misha.”

“How dare you.” The desire to slap him hard was there, but she held herself back. “This is the only family I have. I love this pack and would gladly give my life to them. They are everything to me. I would never do anything to jeopardize the safety and well-being of the people here. You, on the other hand, you’re a giant dick.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You don’t want me, and you’re not going to let anyone else have me. That’s a dick move. I won’t allow you to meddle in my life, not anymore.”

She went to leave, but Decker grabbed her arm. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’m not going to allow you to take control of my life. To stop men from asking me out. You rejected me, Decker. You have no right to me anymore, but I am going to make sure I find a mate who will want me.” She screamed the last part in his face.

Decker infuriated her.

He glared at her.

They were both breathing hard. Still, he held her arm, not letting her go.

Misha went to leave, but all of a sudden, Decker shoved her up against the wall, and she gasped.

Decker swallowed her cry as he took possession of her mouth. This was only her second kiss, and it was so powerful and consuming.

She wanted to push him away, but to do that would be denying her this kiss, and she loved the feel of his lips on hers.

As she moaned his name, Decker growled. She opened her mouth, and he plundered inside. His hands ran all over her body, touching her. It wasn’t enough. She needed him. Their clothes got in the way.

A knock at the door had Decker stopping. He didn’t step away. His hands held her hips tightly, and she looked at him, waiting, wondering what was going on in his mind that one minute he would be kissing her, and in the next, pushing her away.