Page 102 of Truths and Lies Duet

“I’m not defensive,” he growls.

I grew up with you, motherfucker. Don’t play games with me. I taught them to you.

“Hmm,” is all I say. “How come you never invite me over for these wonderful dinners your blow-up doll wannabe wife is always making?”

“I’ve invited you more times than I can count over the past year,” he bites out. “Not my fault you chose to drink your dinner instead.”


“Yes, what?”

“I accept your dinner invitation.”

His gaze hardens. “You called my future fiancée a blow-up doll. Consider the invitation officially rescinded.”

I lean forward in my seat. “Are you hiding something from me, brother?”

“Fuck off,” he scoffs. “If you want to come to dinner, come to fucking dinner. Don’t say I didn’t warn you that Selene is a terrible goddamn cook and you’ll probably die of food poisoning. Just make sure you give me a proper warning so she can get to the store and buy what she needs.”

I stare at him for a long moment, watching him intently. Each facial tick. Every twitch of his lips. The slow reddening of his skin. Finally, once I’ve infuriated him to the point his carotid bounces along his neck, I stand.

“I’ll let you know.” I give him a wide grin that I know unnerves him. “Tell Selene I said hello.”

Walking out of his office, I wonder how exactly he and Selene have made it this long. What does she offer him that makes him stay? He doesn’t like her. At best, he barely tolerates her. Sure, she has tits and dick sucking lips, but you can find nicer women with those same physical attributes who don’t sound like a donkey in heat.

I’m going to find out.

I settle back in my own office. Back to scouring video surveillance footage from the time Talia was with me around the time she was taken.


I know it deep in my gut.

She wouldn’t leave me.

Talia Demetriou may have been pissed as fuck, but she loved me. She may have never spoken the words, but I felt them. Now that my head is clearing, I remember that part of our relationship without a doubt. With each look, each caress, each kiss, I knew.

And whoever took her will pay so fucking dearly for every second I’ve lost with her.

“I’m out of here,” Aris says, peeking his head into my office. “Sorry about earlier. Selene is a bitch and she pisses me off.”

“She must give amazing head,” I say with a wicked smile.

He sneers. “I wish.”

With a wave, he bolts before I can taunt him anymore.

So, the blow-up doll doesn’t even suck cock well. Again, I wonder what the fuck sort of value she provides my brother with. He can get any fucking woman into his bed with his stupid smiles and charm. He certainly doesn’t hang onto any woman for very long, much less a bitch like Selene. It’s more than sex with my brother. It always is. I’ve seen him fuck the wife of a local gangster just to piss him off. I’ve seen him fuck around with the Minister of Police’s daughter just to anger our father. I’ve seen him flirt with my wife and grab her ass because he wants to irritate me.

But Selene?

What’s the end game?

Marriage, babies, white picket fence.

Yeah, fucking right.

I don’t buy it for a second.

Swiveling around in my chair, I decide to dig into Selene a little. I’ll find out what the blow-up doll has been up to. If the past year has taught me anything, it’s that I can be quite the resourceful stalker when I want to be. I will tear apart Selene’s past and present. I’ll learn every damn detail about her. Who her family is. Who she’s connected to. How she remains tethered to my brother.

And then I’ll invite myself to fucking dinner.


Today is the day. I’ve spent the last year learning everything I can about where I am and what it will take to get out. I can either keep waiting, or I can make my move. At this point, I don’t think there’s any more preparing I can do. If it weren’t for my precious cargo, I would’ve already tried to run, but with her in tow, I have to be twice as careful. I can’t risk anything happening to her.

I’m sitting on the lounge chair out by the pool like I always am. Zoe is sleeping on the chair next to me on her belly, under the umbrella, sucking on her pacifier. My little girl loves the pool and sun. I bet she’ll love the beach as well.

“I’m leaving for work,” Aris says. “Do you need anything while I’m out?”

“I can have Selene pick up anything I need.” I wave him off, knowing full well he won’t let that happen anymore.

“She’s not running any more errands for you,” he says, just like I knew he would. “I’d hate for you and Selene to get into it again, and I come home to a bloodbath, so whatever you need, I’ll pick it up.”