“Did you get a good night’s rest? I was so worried when you weren’t up bright and early.”

“Yes, I think I slept good? I must have been out like a light.”

“It’s the fresh air for sure.”

I nod, taking a sip from the coffee she hands me. “Thank you, ugh, I need this.”

“Don’t thank me, thank Ben. That man is an angel.”

I raise a tired brow and continue sipping as we walk into her tent.

“Maybe he’s single?” Mia muses out loud.

“Please stop trying to set me up with any man that has a pulse. I’m not moving to the wilds of wherever this place is to be some dude’s sidekick in the great outdoors.” More sipping. “I’m what you would call indoorsy.”

“I just want you to know I got your back,” she laughs, plopping down in a chair, gesturing toward the food laid out on the coffee table. “Here, let’s sit down and eat. I made you a plate when you didn’t show up for breakfast—the vultures were circling and I knew there wouldn’t be anything left.”

“Vultures?! What vultures?” My head spins around anxiously, waiting for the predatory birds to come flocking down from the trees over our heads.

Mia rolls her eyes. “I’m talking about the other guests. They had a small spread between seven and nine, and everyone swooped in—lucky you, you missed the mob.”

“Other guests?”

“Yes. You missed that rush too, a small caravan arrived early this morning. Everything was set out as a warm welcome—it was really nice, but would be great if we were the only ones here, you know? Quiet and private.” She steals a piece of bacon and chomps on it. “That’s why Thad and Davis ran to sign us up for two boats—there isn’t going to be anything left.”

Two boats? Um. What’s that supposed to mean?

I assume Thad is renting some boat so we can do a sunset wine cruise, or sunbathe tomorrow—only one of which I’m well prepared for considering the swimsuits I have jammed into my suitcases.

I eat my bacon and listen to her chatter.

“…And you’ve already met Halbrook, so that’s out of the way.”

I refuse to call him by his last name. “Met Davis? When?”

“This morning when we came and woke you up?”

“That was Davis?” Oh Jesus. “I wasn’t still asleep and dreaming that all happened? You know I can’t fully focus until I’ve had my coffee. I’m like the Crypt Keeper in the morning, Mia!”

“You weren’t that out of it, stop being so dramatic. Who did you think that was hovering over you, another grounds keeper?”

I look like total shit, and I only know this because I just caught a glance of myself in the mirror they have above that cute little bureau in Mia and Thad’s glamping tent. Below it is one of those old-fashioned wash basins.

“Ew, I look hideous. I cannot believe he saw me like this.”

Not that I care. I don’t know him.

“You don’t look hideous, stop being dramatic.”

This from the woman who was probably up before dawn to wash and air dry her hair, and apply makeup so skillfully it doesn’t look like she’s wearing any at all.

“You clearly don’t love me at all,” I sniffle.

“He doesn’t care what you look like.”

“Gee, thanks.”

She laughs. “What I meant was, the two of you aren’t here to be set up. You’re here because Thad wants the two of you to be friends, so we can all do more things together like one big happy family.”

“Okay fine—but couldn’t we have just like, gone to dinner or something? Was it necessary to be this extreme?”

My best friend shrugs. “I can’t pretend to know what goes on in his pretty little head half the time, but this is what he planned. I wouldn’t have chosen this location for a first meet up—knowing how you are—but now we have to make the best of it.” She glances behind her into the cute tent and gestures. “I mean, how adorable is this? And it’s only for a few more nights and then we can go to the spa and get facials and massages and everything will be right with the world again.” She nabs the coffee I just sat down and steals a drink. “Do you think I love the idea of being stuck in a cabin without the use of my flat iron? No.”

“But you’re the one who wanted to come here!”

“Right, but I wasn’t at all prepared! You can’t just spring this on someone.” She leans forward and touches my leg. “Don’t tell him I said that, his feelings would be so hurt.”

I nod.

Her secret is safe with me.

“I’m going to be re-wearing this same pair of leggings and tee shirt this entire weekend, most of what I brought was for a romantic weekend somewhere warm. Not that it’s cold here, but you know—there’s less sand than I was anticipating.”