I’m close, too, and I know if he keeps going I will come again, and I want this second orgasm so fucking bad I can literally taste it in my mouth.

Don’t stop, don’t stop, I silently plead, not wanting to be a complete sex monster, especially considering he just went down on me and I’ve already come once.

I am one lucky brat.

Juliet 2, Davis 1



I’m not surprised to see my sister in my living room when Juliet and I walk through the door to my house after our first official date. After all, our two houses are side by side, and my sister loves my place better than hers because of the state-of-the-art kitchen and larger size; more room to roam, she always says.

Plus, as a single mom, I think she feels safer in my space. So they hang out here as often as they like and feel right at home, crashing without an invitation.

Like tonight.

I was hoping to come inside then come inside Juliet, not come inside and have to see my sister.

She looks over her shoulder at us from the couch in the nearby living room when we enter the kitchen, barely sparing us a cursory glance. Whatever television show has her transfixed is getting her full attention.

“I just put Skipp to bed—she tried to stay awake until you got home but her little eyeballs couldn’t fight it anymore.”

“Really? It’s so early.” Only seven o’clock.

I remove my coat and toss it on the barstool in the kitchen. “She up in the guest bedroom?”

“She was at a friend’s house today with an indoor pool. They swam and swam until their arms were noodles and their skin was all wrinkly. She’s beat.”

“Bet she’ll be up at the ass crack of dawn though.”

“She’ll for sure be up at the ass crack of dawn.” My sister laughs knowingly. “I made chicken for dinner if you’re hungry.”

Penelope is sitting in jeans, cross-legged on the couch, long, dark hair in a messy bun, snuggly pink sweatshirt on her body.

“We ate a few hours ago, but it smells delicious,” Juliet says, taking an empty spot next to Penelope on the couch. She dressed up for our date, black leather pants, killer high heels, and a floral blouse; we thought it was hilarious when she had to put on bowling shoes.

“Then we had pizza while we were bowling.” I laugh. “And appetizers. For some reason I caught a second wind once I started kicking her ass and taking names.”

Juliet rolls her eyes in my direction. “Okay, let’s brag about it, we had the gutter guards up.”

“Doesn’t matter,” I argue.

“Actually…it does.”

“Are we always going to squabble like this?” I muse hopefully, walking over to join them, plopping down beside Juliet and picking up her legs, setting them across my lap. I immediately begin massaging her feet.

“Is that what this is? A squabble?”

My sister is watching us now with an amused expression. “Aww, aren’t the two of you just adorable.”

“I’d lean over and ruffle your hair, but you’re too far.”

“Good, I don’t want my hair ruffled—I grew out of that in second grade.”

“Liar. You used to love it when I would give you noogies.”

“Said no one ever.”

Juliet laughs, resting her head back on the sofa when I apply pressure to the balls of her feet, kneading one heel then the other.

“God, that feels like heaven!” She groans. “Those shoes were killing my feet. And after the week I’ve had…” She groans again, closing her eyes.

It had been a week; a long one. Not because we were so excited about our date and counting down the days, but because I wound up traveling two days for work, and Juliet had a shitstorm at school and had conferences with a few students’ parents that had been acting up in her classroom.

When I’d picked her up tonight, held the car door open for her, then leaned over to kiss her before putting the car in drive, she’d said, “One of the worst parts of my job is facing a parent who had no idea their child was disrupting class. It’s awful.”

She needed the night out as an escape—or reward—and I was more than happy to provide it.

Steak. Red wine.

Candlelight and chocolate cake.

The servers at the restaurant left us to talk and we’d held hands across the table; it was damn near perfect.

Bowling was, too.

Who knew I was so good at it, bumpers or not, despite Juliet’s objections on the matter?!

The doorbell sounds and we all look at each other.

“Who could that be?”

“Oh shit!” Penelope pops up from the couch. “I forgot I ordered ingredients to make pancakes in the morning, we’re all out of flour and vanilla.”

She scurries toward the door and I run my hands up and down Juliet’s legs, wiggling my eyebrows at her suggestively.

“Know what I’m thinking right now?”