Stashed off to the side of the hearth were the fixings for s’mores. “I need to know if the fireplace will be enough to keep this place warm or if I’ll need to install central heating,” I told her.

“What did it have before?” she asked.

“Just the fireplace. But hardened cowboys lived here. They were built tough and didn’t expect the niceties. Kids are different.”

She took off her coat. I hadn’t been wearing one, just a thick flannel, as I’d been chopping wood all day. Firewood was needed for the house, too.

Now she was out of her jacket, I resisted the urge to grab hold of her. “It’s beautiful in here.” She stared up at the sky through the line of windows before glancing down. “And what’s this?”

My grin was from ear to ear. “I thought we could make s’mores, unless you don’t like them.”

“What’s not to like?” She got to her knees and warmed her hands in front of the fire. I handed her a skewer and a fat marshmallow. “You are full of surprises, Nate Bowmen.”

“I hope in a good way.”

“Definitely a good way.”

We sat and made s’mores. She talked about Zoe and her love of the dollhouse.

“Did you tell her mom it was me who bought it?”

“Oh, no,” she said, exaggerating the words with widened eyes.

“Any reason why not?”

She seemed to catch herself and stumble over an explanation. “It’s just that you wanted it anonymous, I assumed, since you said it was from Santa. I didn’t think it was my place to tell.”

That was certainly true, but there seemed to be more to it. I let it pass, as it didn’t matter. She was right. I didn’t need credit.

“I’ve got one more thing to show you,” I said. I pointed to the loft above.

“Up there.”

I silently agreed and helped her up. As I led her upstairs, I took her hand because it felt right. I planned to take Aiden’s advice.

The walls were up, the wood planks weren’t. In the center of the open room was a tent.

“Oh, my God.” Secretly, I was thrilled by her reaction as she covered her mouth. “You did this?”

“I’ve never been camping with a woman before. It’s too cold outside, but I thought we could test out the room. See if the heat is enough up here.”

She didn’t bother with words. She was in my arms, and we kissed like we hadn’t seen each other in years. The way she felt so snug against me, the possibilities of us ran rampant in my mind.

Back on her feet, she bit at the corner of her mouth. I wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, but I spoke first.

“I really like you, Avery, and I don’t want you to see anyone else but me.”

Her mouth formed an O as I waited to breathe. I’d never put myself out there like this and the anticipation was killing me.

“I like you too and there isn’t anyone but you.”

We kissed again, slow and languid. We took our time, getting undressed down to little to nothing before climbing into the large tent with thick blankets for padding. She kissed her way down my happy trail before taking my cock in her mouth. That was just the beginning.

She stayed the night and didn’t leave right away in the morning. As we got dressed much later, I tried again. “Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she mumbled.

“I won’t ask to take you out.” I waved off her protest. “I get it. You don’t want the hassle of the press. But you haven’t taken me up on dinner with my friends. I talked to Aiden today and his parents are going to watch the twins that night. They really want what Emma said is adult conversation. I thought we could have dinner with them and then you can come back here later.”

I hadn’t brought up meeting her father again, as I hadn’t introduced her to mine. Mainly because I wasn’t sure where things stood between us. Baby steps.

“Tempting,” she murmured.

“Is that a yes or no? And no pressure. It can be just you and me.”

“No—I mean yes. It’s fine. We can have dinner with your friends and then…”

I scooped her up, and she squealed. “Let me down. I have to go. Seriously.”

I kissed her before doing just that.

“And maybe this weekend before that, we can see a movie,” she suggested.

“At the theater, drive-in, or where?”

She shoved her hands in her back pockets. “Maybe my place. Dad is supposed to go hunting this weekend.”

I quirked a brow. “You won’t shove me naked out of the window again, will you?”

“He won’t be home,” she said, which wasn’t an answer. I came for her, but she darted away and down the stairs. “I dare you to come.” Her teasing tone got my blood pumping, but the damn woman was fast. She had her Jeep’s door locked before I reached her.