I couldn’t remember the last time I’d beaten off. I turned off the water after rinsing off but still stood there. How could I possibly want a woman who thought I was scum? Besides, if she wanted me, that meant she’d been screwing with my head the whole time. Therefore, she was off limits, too.

Fix the ranch, win my father’s respect back, and get my career back on track. I wouldn’t be in Mason Creek long. At best, I would be here until off-season was over. Then it was back to Chicago. Any woman around here would want something long-term. I didn’t have that to offer.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room. It wasn’t as large as my apartment, but it felt more like home than anything had since the ranch. I dropped the towel and climbed into bed and prayed there wouldn’t be a fire because I didn’t have the energy to put on any clothes. Aiden would just have to forgive me if Emma saw me naked. That thought made me smile. Razzing my best friend and teasing him about his wife was a new favorite pastime.

That thought followed me to sleep. But it was the brown-eyed girl who chased me in my dreams.

Aiden was definitely my brother, blood or not, as the next morning my car was in the drive. With winter in full swing, I really needed to check on Dad’s truck and start driving it. My rear-wheeled drive would get me into trouble. Before going back to the ranch, I needed to go get supplies Dad probably had somewhere, but it was easier to buy new than search for what I needed. I headed out of town to a big-box hardware store that had everything.

My cart was filled with things like plumbing supplies to make sure at least one bathroom was working, a basic tool set, paint, and a floor sander. The latter was going to be a problem if I couldn’t fit it in my car, which wasn’t exactly made for hardware store runs.

Outside, while trying to figure out how I could fit the sander in, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the Jeep. It wasn’t like Jeep Wranglers were unique in this area, but the beautiful blonde—or brunette, depending on how the light hit her hair—was unique. What I didn’t expect was the kid she put in the cart before making her way to store.

I had no problem with single mothers. What I had a problem with was a single mother playing games, likely seeing me as her ticket out of Mason Creek. I was tired of being used. When she got close enough, I told her exactly how I felt about her tactics.



“What did you just say?” I asked as I covered Zoe’s ears.

“You heard me. I’m not interested in being a stepfather. So don’t waste your games on me.”

He was right. I had heard him correctly the first time. Somehow, I’d hoped he’d see the error of his ways and not repeat the statement. “You are a jackass and trust me, you’re not fit to be a father of any kind.”

I marched off feeling self-righteous for a few seconds before I ground my molars. He thought I was playing games. I almost spun the cart around to give him more shit before Zoe said, “Aunt Avery, who was that man? Did you know him?”

Thankfully, I’d covered her ears, and she hadn’t heard him. She reminded me I had to be the better human. “No one. Ignore him.”

Haley’s mom had a bad hangover, and I’d come to the rescue. Though I had to work this afternoon, the hope was her mother would be coherent enough this afternoon to watch her granddaughter. Otherwise, Zoe would come to work with me.

In the meantime, I needed a breaker bar, which was used to loosen tight nuts and bolts. Mine had disappeared from the shop. It was a go-to tool for us in the auto repair industry. Our local hardware store didn’t have any in stock. I hoped the big boys had them. I made a beeline to the tool department and searched for it.

Zoe amused herself with my phone as I searched. “Found it,” I said, and Zoe clapped. I’d forgotten all about the pompous bastard, except he was still in the parking lot when we came out.

I did my best to ignore him as I walked by. Only Zoe began to laugh. “He’s funny,” she tittered.

A quick glance revealed Nathaniel doing everything in his power to get a box in his trunk. The man looked quite good in jeans from the front and back. Currently, his backside wiggled as he leveraged it to shove back on the box.

“Karma is a bitch,” I said as I passed.

“Bitch,” Zoe repeated, clapping wildly while giggling.