The biggest mistake was the woman who’d thought she could blackmail me by threatening to post a dick picture she’d taken while I was sleeping. I hadn’t given in to her demands, and now my dick was almost as famous as I was.

All of that had jaded me. It didn’t mean I didn’t have hookups here and there. It meant I was careful, and no one was allowed to stay the night. Once the deed was done, she was gone, as callous as it sounded. My career was on the line.

Things would be different here. This was home. All women here were off-limits now. I couldn’t be a dick to any female in town. Thus, it would be a cold and lonely holiday for me while I got the ranch back on its feet. It was for the best. I had made poor choices when it came to women.

There was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I said.

The knob rattled, but it didn’t fully turn. I didn’t remember locking it, but I got to my feet and lumbered over.

Aiden was on the other side. “Where to?”

I liked the fact he didn’t grill me. “Back to your place. If you or Emma could drive my car back later from the bar, I’d be grateful. Otherwise, I’ll get it at some point.”

There was no need to worry about the car being stolen. Our town was safe. Besides, Aiden was the head cop, or close to it. Too many people talked for anyone to get away with car theft of the only Porsche in town.

When I went to lock up, I didn’t have the key. I reached above the door, and it wasn’t there. Then I remembered the tiny slip of a woman who had brought me here. I glanced down at the welcome mat and just assumed. The key was underneath it. I locked up without checking the place further. There was time for all of that. I wanted a shower and lots of sleep.

“How’d it go with your dad?” Aiden asked as we walked the short distance to his sheriff’s SUV.

“As well as one could expect—like shit. The old man is pissed, not that I blame him.”

Aiden nodded and didn’t prod me further. He was letting me say as much or as little as I needed to.

Something in me broke and I let out all the frustration I’d been holding onto. “I just wish he understood we hadn’t had enough time to deal with the situation. I was playing every fifth day. That didn’t leave time for me to fix the problems with the ranch. It killed me to put him in care, but I didn’t have a choice. And it’s all my fault in his eyes. Mitch gets none of the blame. He could have worked from here and done it. He didn’t want to. And Dad has declared he only has one son, and it’s not me.”

“I’m sorry for you. But you know you’re preaching to the choir. Do you know how often I got into trouble, even if Alana started it?” Alana was his younger sister. “I was the older brother, and it was my responsibility to take care of her. She still gives me shit for doing what our parents asked me to do.”

“Got to love her though.”

“Damn right.”

When we got back to his place, Emma was downstairs with her feet up. She was very pregnant, near to popping. Still, as soon as we walked in, she asked, “Can I get you guys something to eat?”

Aiden went over and kissed her squarely on the mouth. I remembered all the years he’d pined for her. I was happy for them both, but it reminded me how lonely my life was.

“No,” I answered. “I’m going to hit the shower, then go straight to bed unless you need something from me.”

She gave me a big smile and said, “You’re good. Don’t let me hold you up.”

“I have to get back to work,” Aiden said. “I’ll see you both later.”

I jogged up the stairs, eager for that shower. It was as glorious as I’d expected. Aiden had installed a rainfall shower head in the hall bath. I stood under it for a long time as Dad’s words replayed in my head. I’d meant what I said to Aiden earlier about putting Dad in care being my only option. That didn’t stop the guilt I felt.

Finally, I reached for the body wash and lathered up. When I got to my cock and ran a hand down the length, a certain spitfire of a woman popped into my head. She had curves, though she didn’t put them on display, which only drove me wild, wondering what she looked like naked. Full breasts, fantastic ass—at least that was how I imagined it and soon I was nearly climaxing. What the actual fuck? The word ‘fuck’ and imagining her sent me over the edge. I banged out all the seed I’d been holding from acting like a monk. I was sure the last woman I’d been with hadn’t been as good as the fantasy of her.