“You have a date.” That surprised me. As I read on, I added, “And it’s in Florida.”

“All of Tom’s kids and grandkids are there. Your aunt is there.” She didn’t add that all the family she had left in Montana was me.

“You and Aunt Ruby are on good terms now?” My aunt hadn’t been supportive of the marriage between my parents, which had caused a rift. She’d sided with my grandparents, who’d passed away several years back.

“We’re trying,” my mother said. “Just so you’re aware, you are the first to know about our engagement.”

I glanced at the hand she’d set on the counter. An enormous diamond covered her finger. “Wow. And you already have Save the Date cards.”

She shook her head. “Actually, this is just one sample I ordered. You know I never got a fancy wedding and Tom decided to spoil me with one, albeit small.”

Their eyes locked, and there was no denying the love between them. I couldn’t take away her happiness. She so deserved it.

“Beautiful ring, by the way.”

“It’s the closest one I could find that compared to her beauty,” Tom said.

“I’m happy for you both,” I said with a genuine smile.

“You will come?” Mom asked.

“And don’t worry about the cost. We’ll take care of airfare and hotel and such,” he added.

“You don’t have to,” I said. “I do work for a living.”

“Yes. But it’s my treat and I won’t hear any more about it. I’ll go get the lunch your mother prepared on the table,” he said, leaving us girls to talk.

They were such a cute couple. According to Mom, they shared the duties of the house, including cooking and cleaning, equally. Tom had been a widower for years and had had to take care of himself. He wouldn’t let Mom take all the burden in their household. He was a good man and Mom was lucky.

As much as I thought Tom would have made a great father, I couldn’t imagine not having my own. Dad had been surly and put Mom through hell, but he loved me. He’d never complained I wasn’t a son and didn’t treat me differently because I was a girl. He’d taught me how to change the oil as well as change a tire on a car. He’d taken me fishing. We’d gone hunting once. When I’d told him I didn’t like the idea of killing anything, especially when his rule was you ate what you killed, he hadn’t forced me to go again. Though he had taught me how to use a gun. My dad had a lot of faults, but being a terrible father wasn’t one of them.

“Will you tell Dad?” I asked, and quickly revised my statement. “Not that you have to. I’m just curious.”

“I don’t intend to tell him. I’ll leave that up to you.” That was fair. “I want you to know that we’re going to Florida next week not only to look at venues for the wedding and to see the grandkids. We are also going to look for a house, likely a condo.”

My mouth opened. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“No matter where we live, we plan to do a lot of traveling. We’re going on a cruise for our honeymoon.”

“How do you think Tom’s kids will take the news?” They’d been dating for a while. It hadn’t been unexpected that they would end up at this point.

“I’m planning to sign a prenup that leaves me whatever place we get and a small amount of money for future upkeep. The rest is for them.”

“Why would you do that?” I asked, not that I thought she would want half.

“I want Tom, not his money. And I want his kids to understand that I want to share the rest of our lives together and that I’m not a threat to their legacy.”

I blew out a deep breath. “I just want you to be happy.”

“He makes me happy. I’m deliriously happy.” It was hard to deny with the happiness plain on her face. I’d never seen Mom smile this much when she was married to Dad.

“I’ll support whatever you decide.”

Her smile flattened some. ‘There’s one other thing. I’m not sure if your father told you, but after the divorce, he gave me some money.” My eyes widened, but I didn’t speak. “He said it was the money I would have earned if I’d had a job all those years I was just your mother.” She was quiet for a second. “I didn’t touch it. I planned to give it to you when you settle somewhere as a cushion for your new life. Now that I’m getting married, I’m going to give it to you sooner. That way there won’t be any doubts from his family or ours where that money came from.”

Sounded like there might be some trouble with Tom’s kids, but I wouldn’t make an issue if she didn’t.