“Touché,” he said with a smirk as I walked away.

He had no idea the plans I had for him. He wouldn’t be smirking when I got revenge for my family.



The call came not long after my run-in with the woman I couldn’t get out of my head. Aiden explained that Emma had gone into labor, and they were at the hospital. With GPS guiding me, I tore down the highway, hoping the storm didn’t get worse. So far, the plows and road treatment were doing their job and my car could make the trip. There were no guarantees if the conditions changed.

I should have switched to Dad’s truck, but something had been holding me back. Maybe because Dad had so easily written me out of his life, I didn’t think I deserved to drive his truck. He wouldn’t like it.

Better yet, I should just buy a new truck and leave it at the ranch. Who knew what the condition of his truck was after sitting for years unused.

“I’ve got to go,” Aiden said, and I couldn’t remember what he’d been saying.

My head was all over the place. All I knew was he was about to be a father and a part of me wondered if I’d ever be one.

The phone rang again, and using Bluetooth in my car, I answered. “Hey, I’m driving to the hospital in a snowstorm. Can I call you later?”

“They found him?” Mitch asked.

“Found who?” It wasn’t until the words left my mouth, I put it together.

“Dad? Is he at a hospital?”

I jerked the car over to the side of the road, which was probably a bad idea considering it was snow-covered and I was in a rear-wheel-drive car. “What do you mean? Emma’s giving birth. I was headed there to give Aiden moral support. What’s happened to Dad?”

“He’s missing. The facility called and said when they went for bed check, he was gone.”

“How the hell is he missing?” I started to yell but tamped my anger down, as Mitch wasn’t the right person to be angry with.

“I don’t know. They just called.”

I cursed. The facility was in the opposite direction from the hospital Aiden and Emma had gone to.

“Wait, hold on. I think that’s them. I’ll call you back,” Mitch said before I could stop him.

I couldn’t idle here for fear I’d get stuck. Then I wouldn’t be help to anyone.

My phone buzzed, and I snatched it up to my ear after hitting the answer button. “Yeah?”

“False alarm. They found him. He was in another room.”

I felt my brow arch. Mitch couldn’t appreciate it. as we weren’t on a video call. “Who was he with?”

“They won’t say for his privacy. My guess is a woman.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Mom had been dead a few years now. Dad had every right to move on, but…

“I’ll head over in the morning,” I said. Dad wouldn’t want to see me, but I needed to talk to the manager to get a better understanding of protocol. It was likely they were gone for the day.

“Will you see him?” Mitch asked.

“I don’t know.” Dad had made his position clear.

He might change his mind after I told him my plan to bring him home. But I didn’t want to make promises until I knew I could keep them. If I couldn’t get the house ready, he’d only give me more shit. If I didn’t give him a clear timeline, he’d give me shit. Then again, he didn’t remember things well these days. Did it matter?

They were all things to consider. “I’ve got to go,” I said to my brother and hung up.

I needed my wits about me as I pulled into traffic. The dark stretch of road I’d pulled over on had a blind curve. I wouldn’t have much maneuvering room if someone came around that bend at speed.

The tires spun a little, but then the Porsche caught traction and leaped forward over a snowy patch. I kept going without letting off the gas for fear I’d spin out.

By the time I made it to the hospital, too many things plagued my mind. I bought the last bunch of flowers the shop had and promised myself to stop in town tomorrow for a better bouquet. I grabbed a white polar bear too before heading up to the labor and delivery waiting room.

A nurse was gracious enough to walk me there after finding me looking lost as I read signs along the way. “Here you are,” she said, gesturing toward the door.

I went and sat down. She followed me in. “If you need anything else, I can give you my number.”

And there it was. She likely recognized me. “Thanks for all your help. I think I’m fine.”

Her smile was pleasant as she said, “Sure. Find me if you need anything.”