I laughed. She always talked a mile a minute when she was excited, but I knew it probably also had to do with the fact that international calls had to be kept to a minimum. Mostly because they usually dropped out anyway. “Cali’s just as beautiful as I remembered. The weather is perfect, and so is Aunt Jenny. Has the new family arrived yet?”
“They’re coming today, kiddo,” Dad said. “We’re meeting them in Lira in a couple of hours.”
Lira was a good hour and three quarters away from Gulu. “Then shouldn’t you be going soon?”
Mom sighed. “We will soon, baby. We just wanted to hear your voice first, and make sure you were all good. It feels weird not having you here. Everybody misses you like crazy.”
A pang of sadness spread through my chest. “I miss everyone so much. Tell everyone I said hi. And give them all a hug for me.”
“One love fest coming right up!” Dad announced. “We’ll be hugging all day with that order.”
Oh, the amusement the people of Gulu would get out of that. “Good! There’s no better way to spend the day.”
“It might have to wait until we get back from Lira, though,” Mom said.
“Yeah, we better get on the road, kiddo. We’ll call you again in a couple of days. We just wanted to make sure you were all right.”
My heart sank knowing they had to go, but I was still glad I got to speak to them—even if it was only a quick call. “I’m better than great, so you can stop worrying. I hope the new family fits in well. Be safe!”
“You know we’ll never stop worrying,” Mom said. “It’s a parent’s right. Be safe, baby. We’ll talk to you soon!”
“Bye, guys. I love you.”
The line crackled, distorting their voices, before it went silent altogether. Pulling the phone away from my ear, I stared at the now blank screen, a heaviness settling on my chest. Knowing I’d never be able to get back to sleep, I climbed out of bed and into the shower, determined to make good of the day. I would start with a nice, cooked breakfast.
It wasn’t until closer to eight o’clock that Aunt Jenny finally came down the stairs, dressed for work. Loading her cell phone and purse into her handbag, she grabbed a protein shake out of the fridge and came to kiss me on the cheek.
“Morning, precious. I’m sorry I have to duck out on you like this. I really don’t know why Jeremy couldn’t do it. I’ll be home before dinner, though, okay?”
She hadn’t stopped apologizing since she’d gotten the phone call from Jeremy the night before. He’d informed her that there had been a snag with the latest game’s release or something, and she needed to come in to take care of it.
I smiled, letting her know I was perfectly fine. “It’s no problem at all. I’m just going to take my book and lie on the beach.”
She smiled wickedly. “Is the book to read, or for a prop?”
“It’s to read, thank you very much!” I said, giving her my best indignant look.
“Well, make sure you get some sightseeing done as well, okay?” she said with a wink.
I couldn’t help but laugh. It was a good thing we were in practical seclusion. I could only imagine what she’d be like if we were around a few more guys my age. She’d probably drag them over to me and demand they take me out or something equally as embarrassing.
As she ran out the door in a blur, I shook my head and laughed. I didn’t know if she actually ever stopped. Since I’d been here, I hadn’t seen her sit down and relax for more than the length of a TV show.
Filling the sink with hot, soapy water, I started the process of cleaning the breakfast dishes, then moved on to the bathrooms. They were barely dirty, but it gave me something to do, and made me feel useful. When that was done, I hung out the towels I’d washed earlier and tidied up the linen closet before declaring my duties done.
Deciding there was nothing left to do but attempt to relax, I slipped into my bikini and a sundress, grabbed my book, and headed for the beach.
The weather was incredible yet again. As I walked down the trail, I lifted my face to the sun, feeling the warmth fall over me like a soft caress. It was beautiful.
I was about halfway down when I noticed someone out surfing. Well, it was actually more like four someones, but it still surprised me. I knew one of them had to be the boy I’d seen yesterday, but I wondered who the others were. Were they his family, or were they just friends? And who did the girl with the baby belong to?
Scanning the muscled bodies in the water, I tried to figure out which one was the boy I’d seen yesterday. Two guys
were paddling to catch a wave, one was lying belly down, watching and waiting with obvious eagerness, and the other was just sitting out past the breakers, staring out to sea.
I wasn’t sure why, but I immediately knew the guy just sitting was the one. The curve of his shoulders fell low, giving me the impression he was incredibly relaxed. I wondered what his face looked like when he was relaxed like that. Was he watching the ocean swell as she prepared a wave, or did he have his eyes closed with contemplation? I could just imagine his soft, full lips, curved up at the corners—
My thoughts came to a sudden, screeching halt. Whoa! What the hell was that? I really needed to get a grip.