“Good. The last thing I need right now is a diva.”
“You gotta play for the pap?”
I made a non-committal noise in the back of my throat. “Ian hasn’t said anything, but Hannah called the other day and said they were hinting at it.”
He sighed. “So, you’re not contracted to do it?”
“Fuck no. You taught me that.”
“Too fucking right. That shit can fuck you over real good.”
I’d heard all about the shit Lucas had been through because of bullshit contracts like that. There was no way I was going to fall into that trap.
“All right, man,” he said, sighing. “I gotta go to makeup. We’ll try to catch up soon. I need me some little brother time.”
I laughed. “All right. Good luck. See you, man.”
Ending the call, I looked back up at the ocean. After talking to Lucas, I was tempted to message Liv to see if she wanted to come back. Badly. And I knew if I didn’t take some drastic measures, I was going to cave.
Before I could change my mind, I walked inside and tossed my cell onto the table in front of Corey. It was the best I could do.
Chapter 25
The second I pulled back the curtains and saw the four figures out surfing, I smiled. Racing to get myself dressed and throw down some breakfast, I skipped down the trail and toward Josh’s house.
I was almost there when I saw Amy on the beach with Daniel and their baby. It felt strange that they’d been here the whole time but we’d hardly seen each other. I knew Josh had said they were trying to make up for lost time, but didn’t they just want to get out in the fresh air occasionally?
Hesitantly, I approached, hoping I wasn’t intruding. Daniel looked up, but I knew he’d already seen me the second I stepped outside Aunt Jenny’s door. He always seemed to be so watchful. I figured it was the security guy in him.
“Hi,” I said softly, trying to gauge my reception.
Amy smiled up at me. “Hi.” She gestured to the blanket beside her, patting it firmly with her hand. “Come. Sit.”
Daniel came forward and touched a hand to Amy’s back. “Hey, princess. I’m just going up to check on some things.”
“Oh, okay.” She smiled as he leaned down to gently kiss her. I watched him start heading up the trail before I sank down beside her.
“How are you enjoying your summer?” Amy asked with a smile.
I turned to see a little mischief in her eyes. “Oh, it’s been okay. Different from what I’m used to. ”
She laughed then. It was a light, carefree sound. One that immediately put me at ease. “I bet. I heard you’ve been living abroad.”
I nodded. “Yeah, although when you say it like that, it makes it sound like I’ve been living it up in some high society, instead of in poverty.”
She laughed again. “It did, didn’t it? I can’t even imagine living how you did. It’s so inspiring. I have a lot of respect for you, you know.”
My eyebrows went up a notch. It always surprised me when people said things like that. I didn’t quite know how to take it. I mean, we didn’t do it for the accolades. “It definitely makes you thankful for the small things.”
She gazed lovingly down at Mae as she slept. “I know what you mean. Daniel was a marine when we met. I found out I was pregnant just after he was deployed. It was the worst nine months of my life.”
I frowned, a little confused. “Wasn’t she a preemie?”
Amy nodded as she gazed down at Mae. “She was, but Daniel went missing when I was about four months pregnant. He was captured by some rebels and held as a prisoner for six months. It was a pretty stressful time for me, and I ended up going into early labor.”
I stared at her, aghast. “Oh my god. Really? Josh never said anything.”