That was something I’d never get in the working world. Unlike Josh, I knew without a doubt there would be guys who wouldn’t think twice about taking advantage of me to get what they wanted. At least this way I could learn enough to know how it all worked. Well, that was what I was hoping, anyway.

Chapter 20


Perched on the couch, feet up on the coffee table, my gaze was fixed hard on the big flat-screen mounted to the wall. Leonardo DiCaprio was doing something absurdly crazy as the suspenseful music grew in intensity, but all I was aware of was Liv. Settled in beside me, she sat with her legs curled under her and a bowl of popcorn clutched in her arms, eyes wide as she intermittently fed herself without thought.

Silence fell on the screen, Leonardo poised, tension rising. Liv stilled, hand mid-motion, waiting with bated breath for the explosive moment we all knew was coming. Then, as the screen flashed white, and the dramatic music blasted into the room, Liv jumped, letting out a cute little squeal.

Throwing her head back, she let out a deep laugh before turning to look at me, her face shining with happiness. “I even knew that was coming, and it still scared the crap out of me.”

I laughed at her giddiness, my hand automatically edging forward, the backs of my fingers stroking the bare skin of her thigh.

Her eyes narrowed, but she was still smirking. “It’s totally not fair that you’ve seen this already. Isn’t there anything you haven’t seen?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “I’m sure there is.” I wasn’t willing to admit I binge-watched movies like there was no tomorrow when I was between jobs.

Liv rolled her eyes and tossed another handful of popcorn into her mouth. “Yeah, right.”

It would take both hands for me to count how many times I’d acted out this exact scenario, yet this was the first time I knew what it felt like. I thought I’d imagined it so well back then, but I really had no idea. The mystification, the intrigue, the bewilderment . . . They were all things that could never be understood until experienced.

She shifted on the seat, adjusting her body into a more comfortable position, her thigh brushing against my hand. My fingers flexed, stroking her skin as I watched her.

Her eyes darkened, her gaze drawing me in. The tension inside my body tightened, my need to touch more of her increasing with every passing moment. Liv’s gaze moved to my hand, a tiny crease forming between her brows as her own fingers gingerly slid over mine. It was the simplest of touches, but it felt as though she’d set off a series of electrical shocks throughout my entire body. It was crazy.

She had no idea how hard this was for me. As careful as I was with who I played around with—if I played around at all—I had to admit, I was used to things within the dating realm being easy. Mostly, I just dated girls in the industry with me, and there were never any elements of innocence or abstinence. Ever.

Sliding my hand over her thigh until my whole palm pressed against her skin, I gently stroked my thumb back and forth. Her body’s reaction fascinated me. I watched the way her lips parted as she drew in a quick, deep breath, before her eyes fluttered a little and she exhaled shakily. Her gaze snapped up to meet mine as she softly sucked her lower lip, drawing her teeth across the plump fullness of it.

Her fingers tensed on mine, and her mouth opened as though she was about to say something—

“Oh, yeah!” Cain said, flopping down on the spare couch beside us. “I love this movie.”

Liv blanched and blinked at Cain, obviously surprised by his sudden entrance. I, on the other hand, glared at him. I knew what he was doing, and I couldn’t say I was happy about it.

Corey appeared behind him, leaning over the back of the couch. “Yeah, this is my favorite part.”

Two minutes later, Lance dropped down beside Cain, grabbing a bowl of chips off the table and starting to munch down. I w

asn’t sure where Daniel was, but I assumed it wasn’t very far away. He wouldn’t be as obvious as these morons, but he would be there somewhere, watching.

Drawing in a steadying breath, I decided it was time they got to know Liv a little better. Their wariness with her was becoming a problem.

As soon as the credits started to roll, I flicked the screen off and pinned them with a pleasant smile. “Who’s up for a game of cards?” I was met with varying shades of badly concealed skepticism. “Come on. It’ll be fun!” Shuffling forward on the couch, I clapped my hands together. “Go get Daniel. He’s playing too. And no, he doesn’t get a choice.”

I met Lance’s curious gaze with a firm one of my own. I wasn’t playing games. If they weren’t ready to trust Liv, then they would learn.

As the guys found the cards and went to get Daniel, I gave Liv a reassuring smile, trying to help her feel at ease with my overbearing friends. “Have you played Cards Against Humanity before?”

She frowned. “Uh, no. Sounds slightly horrible.”

I chuckled. “Some of the cards can be a little . . . tasteless, so you might want to prepare yourself.”

“Tasteless, how?” she said, giving me a withering look.

“Crude,” Corey said, dropping the box on the coffee table. “Dirty. Insulting.”

Liv nodded, her eyes wide with amusement. “All right, then.”