When we reached the rocks, I followed him over them again as I thought about the whole process of dating. Josh was obviously a very attractive guy. I’d be stupid to think he wouldn’t have girls running after him everywhere he went. I thought about the girl’s face that had appeared on his phone the day before.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked before I could think to stop myself. I stumbled a little as mortification set in.

Josh looked up at me with a tiny smile on his lips. My cheeks heated. “No. Not right now.”

I tried to cover my gaffe, feigning general curiosity. “You must meet a lot of pretty actresses.”

He nodded as he climbed down toward the sand. “Yeah, I guess so. They’re no different than you or me, though. Well, some can be pretty arrogant and bitchy and think the world should bow at their feet, but in general, most are fairly normal.”

“Do you know many famous people?” I wanted to watch his reaction, but I had to keep my eye on my footing.

“A few. Is that important to you?”

I looked up, a little surprised by the sudden stoniness in his voice. “No. Not at all. I was just curious. I mean, I would’ve thought the more famous people you know, the more work you could possibly get.”

His expression softened, and stupidly, I forgot to look where my fe

et went as I stepped, and the next thing I knew, I was slipping.

If truth be told, I did go down gracefully. Well, as gracefully as possible under the circumstances. I managed to regain my footing and grab one of the bigger rocks with my hands at the last minute, but unfortunately, my hip caught a protruding rock before I could stop it.

“Ouch!” I grabbed at the place that was now stinging and jumped down to the sand.

“Are you all right?” Josh asked, coming to stand in front of me. His hands reached out to move mine so he could see the damage. “Show me.”

I lifted up my dress at the side to reveal a slight red mark. Blood was drawing to the surface of the scratch, but it wasn’t dripping. It wasn’t too bad, really. It could’ve been worse, and I was just about to say as much when Josh’s fingers suddenly made contact with my skin either side of the mark.

My whole body went still. He ran his thumb over the red blotch so softly, I only felt the tingling effect of his skin on mine. Oh, God. I looked up at his face, but he was looking at the mark.

“Does it hurt?” His voice was soft like his touch. Low and tender.

His gaze swept up to meet mine, and all I could do was slowly shake my head in denial.

It was a few moments later before either of us spoke again. Josh’s fingers were still touching my skin. I could feel the warmth of them resting near my lower back and across my stomach. They seemed to be sending sparks of electricity straight into my nerve endings.

“We should put some ice on that.” His fingers disappeared, but before I could start to miss his touch, his hand clasped around mine. “Come on, I’ve got an ice pack in the freezer.”

He had an ice pack. In his freezer.

Oh my God.

Chapter 16


She’s too innocent, Josh, I told myself as I escorted her up the beach.

My fingers still tingled from where they’d been touching her skin. I’d never had to exercise so much control in my life. Knowing she was so inexperienced made it a little easier, but not much. The way she looked at me with that expression that practically begged me to kiss her was almost my undoing. I doubt she even knew she was doing it.

She was quiet as we walked up the trail to my house, and I knew without looking that she’d still have that dazed little look about her. Knowing that didn’t help my control at all.

Taking her into the living room, I gently guided her to sit down on the sofa. Her eyes were wide with all that virtuousness I was trying so hard to protect. “Stay here. I’ll just get the ice pack.”

I watched her head nod a little before I moved off toward the kitchen. I was glad the guys were all down in the games room. I wasn’t ready to have them grill her yet, and the last thing I wanted was for any of them to unknowingly give away my celebrity status.

Opening the freezer, I grabbed the ice pack and a cloth and hurried back to Liv. She sat exactly as I left her, her eyes still wide with nerves. I almost smiled. She was too cute.

“Here, lift up your dress a bit.”