“Damn straight,” she said, placing her hand on her hip. “You’re my bitch.”

Giving her a tiny shove in the shoulder, I laughed before gazing down at my new bling-adorned finger. “I can’t believe I’m engaged.”

Amber gave me a knowing smile. “But it’s so you. ”

I tried to give her an indignant look but failed miserably when I blushed. “I know. People keep telling me how hard it’s going to be, being a military girlfriend, wife, but I really like the idea. When I picture being married and making a home, it’s just like that, you know . . . ?”

“You’re going to be an amazing wife, babe. And an amazing mommy when the time comes.”

I couldn’t help the dreamy smile that came to my lips. There was nothing I could think of that would make me happier.

Chapter 24


Sitting at the island in Mom’s kitchen, I watched her put the finishing touches on the roast before putting it in the slow cooker.

I was still floating on a high after Amy had agreed to marry me, and it was hard not to keep grinning like an idiot.

Mom wiped her hands on the dish towel before coming to lean on the counter across from me. “Right,” she said with a smile. “I’m done. So what’s up?”

I stared deep into her eyes, trying to gauge her mood and possible reaction. Drawing in a slow, deep breath, I took the plunge. “I asked Amy to marry me.”

She didn’t move. Not an inch. She didn’t recoil. She didn’t blink. She didn’t even narrow her eyes. The only part of her that moved was her gaze as it flickered over mine as she processed my words.

Slowly, a buzz of excitement began burning in their depths, and a grin curled up the corner of her mouth. She laughed a tiny, breathy sound and shook her head slowly. “Why does that not surprise me?”

Happiness flared up inside me, and I smiled.

“You’ve always been such a romantic,” she told me, then laughed again. “I hope she said yes . . . ”

I laughed, relief and happiness overwhelming me. It wasn’t really for my benefit. I didn’t care what anyone else thought. I knew what I felt for Amy, and it was my life, my choice. But I knew it would upset Amy if she thought my own mother was against us getting married. She already had to deal with her parents being against our relationship. She didn’t need mine too.

Mom scampered around the island and threw her arms around me, squeezing harder than I thought possible for her tiny frame. “Congratulations, baby! I’m so happy for you.” She pulled back to grin at me, but then her expression sobered a little. “You’re going to wait for a while, though. Aren’t you?”

“We haven’t really discussed it yet, but yeah, I’d say so. We need to save for it and all.”

She inhaled and sighed as though she was completely satisfied. It was a good feeling.

I smirked at her. “I’m a little surprised at how well you’re taking this.”

Mom only smirked right back. “I’ve been saying since you were ten that you were going to fall in love young. My only worry was that you’d fall for the wrong kind of girl, who’d end up breaking your heart, but Amy’s perfect for you. She has this natural, homey, maternal kind of aura about her. I think you both have the same kind of values and ideas of what a marriage and home should be like.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Honestly, age has nothing to do with it, really. Your father and I were supposedly old enough to know better at twenty-seven, but look how that ended. Yes, you’re both only twenty, but you’re both very mature for your age—settled, if you know what I mean.”

I did know what she meant. Neither Amy nor I were into the party scene or felt like we were going to miss out on ‘life’ if we got married. I certainly didn’t feel like I needed to experience a hundred different girls before I was ‘tied down’ to one.

“Does Ryan know yet?”

I glanced up at Mom’s wary tone. I had thought about how I was going to tell Ryan, but I still hadn’t figured that one out yet.

Pressing my lips together, I shook my head. “Not yet.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Sooner’s probably better than later.”

Exhaling a huff, I nodded in agreement. Giving her a quick kiss and another hug, I headed upstairs to find Ryan, not feeling thrilled about the prospect in the slightest.

Knocking on his already open door, I saw him look up from the cell he’d been tapping on with surprise. “Can I come in?” I asked.

He shifted where he sat perched on the edge of his bed and shrugged his assent.