Leaning down, I gave her a quick, soft kiss. “Not really, but thank you.”
“Does it bother you?” she asked. “I mean, do you think it could be a problem?”
Running my thumb over her lip, I smiled. “No. I think it’s too late for it to bother me.”
Her lips parted as she gazed at me, and without thinking, I slid my thumb into her mouth, watching her tongue as it caressed my skin before her lips closed around it and gently sucked.
Fuck me.
Every fiber in my being was demanding I kiss her again, but I knew if I did, I couldn’t guarantee I’d be able to keep it PG-rated.
Slowly retracting my thumb, I sucked in a harsh breath. “Come on, you. Let’s go watch a movie before the cops come and arrest me for inappropriate behavior.”
She giggled softly, suddenly making it hard for me to breathe. This girl was going to be the death of me, and I was pretty sure I would be okay with it.
Walking her to her car, like I did every day, this time I helped her into the driver’s seat before walking around to climb in beside her. Every now and again, during the three-mile drive back to Mom’s place, she’d glance my way and smile, reiterating that death threat even more.
I watched her carefully when we made it back to the house. A part of me was expecting her to be a little tense being back where Ryan had been such a dick to her, but she simply smiled at me like she was completely comfortable. I exhaled a silent breath with relief.
“Do you mind if I just go grab a quick shower first?”
Her gaze darkened on me, making me wonder what was going through her pretty mind. Slowly, she shook head. “No, that’s fine.”
“Okay. Make yourself at home.”
Dashing up the stairs, I rushed to get into the shower and wash off the sweat from my run. Quickly drying myself off, I went back to my room to dress.
I was just zipping up my shorts when I heard a knock on the door. “Daniel?”
The sound of Amy’s voice sent a warm buzz through my blood. “It’s okay. You can come in,” I called to her, reaching into my drawer for a shirt.
She opened the door hesitantly, her gaze raking over my bare chest before she blushed. I had no idea what it was about the way she blushed, but it made me want to grab her and kiss her. Hard.
It took me a few seconds to notice she had her phone clutched in her hand. “Everything okay?” I asked, nodding toward the device.
She blinked and looked down. “Oh, yeah.” S
ighing, she gave me a defeated smile. “I need to go home.”
Throwing my shirt on the bed, I walked right over to her, taking hold of her hip with one hand and stroking the side of her face with the other. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I said I’d help Mom out with this charity drive.”
I breathed her in. “Okay.”
Her gaze dropped to my chest, and before I could even think, her hands were there, gently moving over my abs, working their way upwards. My breath hitched.
“You’ve got such an amazing body,” she murmured.
A tremor ran through me. “I think that’s my line,” I murmured back.
She gazed up at me and blushed. I kissed her.
I loved the way Amy reacted to my kisses. It was like every ounce of tension in her body evaporated the instant our lips touched. She just melted.
My fingers buried in her hair, holding her mouth to mine. One of her hands moved to clutch my bicep, while the other slid around to softly stroke my back. Every nerve ending in my body was like a live wire. I’d never felt anything like it.
I kissed her deeper, the hand on her hip tightening before moving around to the small of her back to pull her harder against me. She moaned, her tongue flicking out to find mine.