I looked up to see him watching me with an intense expression. Again, my mouth decided to override my brain, and just say what was sitting on my tongue.
“I know you said you planned to spend what time you could with your mom and Ryan, but if you feel like getting out and doing something different, you’re more than welcome to come hang out with me and the rest of the gang . . . except, well, most of the guys have just left for the tour, so I guess it’s only half a gang, but you’re still welcome . . . ”
His grin grew broader, but there was a slight look of confusion in his gaze. “Tour?” he asked.
“The guys in the band . . . Didn’t Ryan tell you about them?”
Daniel nodded as recognition came to him. “Yeah, I remember him talking about some friends in a band. They’re touring?”
My eyes widened, realizing he didn’t know any of it. “Yeah, one of their songs went ballistic on YouTube, getting over four million views or something ridiculous like that. They just signed a recording contract a few months ago and are now on tour with The Dark Hybrid.”
I had to admit, it did sound like a movie script the way it all happened. I still shook my head every now and again when I thought about it. Almost everywhere I went, I heard someone talking about Fighting Fate, our local celebrities. And they were my closest friends.
Daniel looked impressed. “Huh. Well, there you go . . . Good for them. I hope they do well.” Pressing his lips together, he studied me, that little grin creeping back in. “So, if I feel like taking you up on your offer to hang out, how should I get in touch with you?”
I felt my cheeks instantly heat. “Oh . . . uh . . . I could give you my number . . . ?”
He chuckled softly. “That sounds like a good idea.”
He pulled out his phone and entered my number as I recited it, then shot me off a quick text with a smiley face. I beamed the second I saw it.
Seeing the time, I knew I should probably get going. “Well, I better go . . . ” I said, pushing myself to my feet and brushing the grass off my butt.
Daniel climbed to his feet beside me. “Thanks for coming to talk to me.”
“It was nice,” I said truthfully.
Jiggling his phone, he smiled. “I guess I’ll talk to you soon.”
With that, I gave him an awkward wave and started toward the parking lot. Turning, I began walking backwards as he watched me. “Do you run here every day?”
I watched him grin before starting to jog away from me. Without breaking his stride, he turned his head. “Yep,” he called. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As my brain registered the fact that I really needed a muzzle for my weird outbursts of questions, and then the fact that he had more or less said he’d like to see me tomorrow, I laughed.
Amber was right. I really needed to see where this went.
Chapter 8
Feet pounding the pavement, I pushed myself as hard as I could until I’d made it all the way to the park’s entrance. Slowing down to a jog, then a nice, slow walk, I put my hands on my head and tried to catch my breath.
When I’d brought my heart rate down enough, I checked my time.
“So . . . ?”
I looked up to see Amy standing a little farther up the path. Today was the fifth consecutive day we’d met at the park. If truth be told, it was the highlight of every one of my days.
“Ten forty-nine,” I said with a grin.
Her brow lifted before her gaze trailed down my chest. “Impressive,” she said with a slight glint in her eye.
As I moved closer, she started for the blanket she’d spread over the ground near ‘our’ tree. I waited for her to fold herself down on one side before sitting down beside her. She immediately held out a bottle of water for me. I grinned, taking it without a word. It was our routine now.
After I’d swallowed more than half the bottle, I turned so I was facing her a little more. “Have you been here long?”
/> I watched her shake her head, her long hair floating around her shoulders with the movement. “Ten minutes,” she said.