I inhaled deeply. “I have something to tell you . . . ” I started.

Her head cocked to the side, her attention complete.

My heart was beating out of control. “This is kind of big. I mean . . . I don’t have Mom and Dad anymore, so you’re it . . . ” I stammered, more nervous than I thought possible. “Of course, I still have Seth, and I will tell him too, but . . . ”

Amber’s gaze had grown with curiosity. I knew she’d never seen me like this before, so I knew she could tell it was going to be huge.

Taking a deep breath and holding it, I withdrew my hand from my pocket and held it out for her to see. “Daniel asked me to marry him.”

Her eyes grew as large as dinner plates, and her mouth fell open as she gawked at my ring. She sat like that for a very long moment, my nerves growing more and more with each passing silent beat of my heart.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed before she blinked and her gaze flashed up to meet mine. “Shut the fuck up!”

She was still wide-eyed, but a tiny smile had started creeping onto her lips. I didn’t know if that meant she was happy or if she was ready to laugh, thinking I was joking.

As quick as a snake attack, she grabbed my hand and pulled it toward her. “Are you fucking serious?” she squeaked.

I felt myself smiling despite my nerves. “Yes.”

She stared at me for a while, her gaze showing me the disbelief she was feeling. I squirmed a little, still unable to get a solid read on how she felt about my news.

Her gaze swung back down to my ring. “Holy shit.”

Out of nowhere, a lump rose up in my throat. “It’s too soon, isn’t it? We’re too young . . . ”

Startled, Amber looked up at me. As she studied my panicked face, she dropped my hand and sat back a fraction.

“Amy,” she said calmly, “I’m assuming you thought about those things before you gave Daniel your answer.”

I paced the floor between her desk and window. “I did . . . but maybe I was too rash . . . maybe I should’ve waited, slept on it or something. ”

“If you’ve already thought about it, can I ask what your answers were that made you decide to say yes?”

Walking over to the window, I stared out without really seeing. I paused, trying to get my thoughts in order. “No one really knows what tomorrow’s going to bring, do they? You never know if someone you love will be with you then, or if they’re just here for a little while, do you?” Drawing in a shuddering breath, I tried to calm the upset inside me. “I know without a doubt I want to marry Daniel. My upbringing says to wait until it’s perceived as acceptable, but what happens if tomorrow never comes? What’s the point in knowing that you want to marry someone, but choosing not to because society says you’re too young, and then finding out it’s too late? That you ran out of time? Where’s the sense in that?”

Was there any sense in that? No, there wasn’t. I loved Daniel with all my soul. When it came to him, I didn’t want to have any regrets. Ever.

When I turned to look back at Amber, I found her smiling at me. A genuine, happy smile. She squealed and rushed for me, wrapping me in a bone-crunching embrace that spoke more than words ever could.

“Oh, my God! I’m so happy for you!”

I laughed and squeezed her back, finally able to relax enough to breathe properly. “You?

?re really happy for me?”

She released me and stepped back before placing her hands on my shoulders. “Babe,” she said seriously, “you know I’m not into all that fairy tale bullshit. I don’t get all gooey and clap my hands every time I hear the words ‘love’ and ‘marriage.’ In fact,” she said, screwing up her face in contemplation, “I think I actually gag when I hear those words . . . ”

I grinned.

“Anyway,” she continued, shaking it off. “My point here is that if I am, in fact, being all gooey and clapping my hands ”—she clapped her hands to emphasize her point—“it means I really am excited, and I really do think it’s an amazing thing. You and Daniel are meant to be. I could see that from the first time I saw the two of you together. And I think you’re right. Saying no would only be delaying the inevitable. Why waste time?”

I exhaled with a smile and felt a tear fall down my cheek. I was sure she had no idea just how much her words meant to me. I knew deep down I didn’t need her approval to marry Daniel, but having her, and hopefully Seth, by my side made it feel a little less like it was just me against the world.

“Thank you,” I said. There was nothing I needed to say other than that. I was just so very thankful to have her in my life.

She beamed at me, and her eyes lit up. “So, now, let’s get to the important stuff. I’m going to be your bridesmaid, right? No, wait . . . your maid of honor. That’s it.” Her eyes widened. “Oh my God. That fits me perfectly. I’m made of honor!”

I laughed. “You’re a dork. Of course you’re going to be my maid of honor. Who else would I ask?”