“Fuck!” Davo shouted, darting to take cover behind a pile of machinery to the side.
Mac and I dove after him, on the lookout for anyone within striking distance. Floodlights suddenly came on in the distance, lighting up the explosion area. From where we were camped out, I could just make out more agents pouring into the area, and beyond that, sharp shooters stationed outside the fence line.
We were completely surrounded.
Chapter 49
Hours after Aaron’s declaration of me finally being useful to him, he was still shining with happiness.
I had no idea what he had planned for me. He wouldn’t say, but considering he was happy to wait for hours and hours for whatever, or whoever it was, scared the crap out of me.
I was just watching him flick through his cell, trying to wrack my brain to figure out what he was up to, when the sound of complete and utter chaos breaking out, exploded on the other side of the door.
Aaron’s head snapped up and he lurched to his feet, eyes wide. “Shit.”
I held my breath, watching, waiting. The yells got louder. Gun shots rang out, and then it sounded like something exploded. Literally. Aaron went pale. He turned towards the door, his body language oddly uncertain. I eyed the table that held his gun and my car keys.
With shaky legs, I pushed myself up to stand, my heart beating faster and faster with what I was about to do.
This could be my only chance to escape. If there were police out there, they could help me. But only if they knew I was here.
Taking a slow step forward, I reached out for the keys, praying the noise coming from outside was loud enough to mask if they made any sound. When they were clasped tightly in my hand without Aaron noticing, I slipped them deep into my pocket.
Aaron shifted from foot to foot, reaching up to rub his hands in his hair. I still wasn’t sure how to go about the next step. He was standing between me and the way out. I took a deep breath, trying to get my brain to come up with a plan.
Eyeing the chair, I wondered if I could smash it over his head. Would that work, or was it only something that worked in the movies? I guessed the worst case scenario would be that it just shocked him, but maybe that would be enough for me to get out the door.
I’d watched him every time he left, and he never had to unlock it or anything, so I knew it would open. I just didn’t know if I would have enough time.
Swallowing, I knew I had to take the risk. It was either that, or stay here and risk not being found, and god knew what would happen to me then.
Stealing myself, I stepped forward, clasping the chair tightly and maneuvering it upside down. Raising it above my head, I stepped closer.
Shit. Was I really going to do this?
I thought of that malicious smile as he told me I was finally going to be of use to him, and I strengthened my resolve. Neither he nor his father had ever done anything but cause pain for me and my mom. Neither one of them would blink twice before using us for their gain.
Clenching my teeth with all the hatred I had for him and his father, I brought the chair down as hard as I could.
Aaron grunted, a muffled curse flying from his mouth as he crumpled to the ground. Not wasting a second, I dropped the chair and darted to the door, throwing it open and launching myself outside. Turning left, I ran. It wasn’t until I’d taken a few steps that I realized I hadn’t put any thought into what I might find outside.
If it was possible, the sound of voices shouting and gun shots exploding in the air was even louder than before. I screamed as a cracking sound, louder than any I’d heard so far, came from somewhere behind me. Flares of fire-like light flashed in the darkness, accompanying the pops of the gun fire.
Dark shapes appeared down the lane in front of me, the shapes of guns in their hands. Shit! I had no idea if they were friend or enemy. Panicking, I darted sideways, around some rusting machinery and across the lane to the other side.
The sound of what could only be bullets hitting the metal made me scream again. I heard more shouts, closer this time, and the scream that came out of me sounded more like a cry. I ran harder, instinctively throwing my arms over my head as I went.
Footsteps, hard and fast, closed in on me. The cracking of a gun, way too close now, reverberated in my ears. Frantically, I pushed forward,
my breath dragging in and out through my lungs, harsh and ragged with a slight whimper to it. A loud crashing came from somewhere in the direction I was running, making my footsteps falter. Three dark shapes sprang out of the shadows, running towards me.
It was pure instinct that made me dart out into the open lane again. From somewhere, I thought I heard my name called, but I must have been imagining it, because no one could possibly know who I was.
A helicopter zoomed overhead, its bright search light sweeping over the estate. Two seconds later, a gun shot rang out just as something hard connected with my body and I was thrown to the ground, a hard, heavy shape landing on top of me.
The breath was instantly knocked from me as my back connected with the pavement and my head spun from the sudden hit. Another gun shot came and a loud grunt sounded in my ear before the heavy mass on top of me jerked hard.