Her eyes widened a fraction and, silently, she watched me. I could see she was trying to work out what I wanted to know, and why. Looking down at my chest, she exhaled softly.
“Aaron’s always been trouble,” she said quietly. “He barely made it through high school. He had no interest in going to college or working, preferring to live off Ken instead.”
She looked up at me nervously. “He’s…been different the last few months. Worse. Demanding money off me even though Ken gives him whatever he needs, threatening to pawn things…”
I frowned. It sounded very much like Aaron had gotten himself into some trouble. Was it with The Shadow?
“He and Ken have been fighting a lot lately too. I don’t know what happened, but it sounded like Aaron lost a lot of Ken’s money. He came home all beaten up and Ken was furious. Things kind of changed after that. He’s hardly home and…”
Her gaze flashed up to meet mine and I saw fear flicker inside it.
“I don’t know why he would send that guy after me. Why would he want me dead?”
My arms tightened reflexively. “It sounds as though Aaron’s got himself into some trouble. Have you heard anything about him owing anyone any money?”
She frowned in thought, biting her lip. After a while she shook her head. “I don’t think so. I know he likes to gamble though. I’ve heard him bragging about his wins at the poker table before.”
I exhaled heavily and gazed up at the ceiling. I knew Aaron had something to do with those fakes that were going around. It was becoming increasingly clear. He was selling the fakes. He knew they were repressed versions of Mr. X’s. He had someone jump Kaeli and try to kill her.
I was fairly certain Captain was right about Ken too. By the sounds of what Kaeli was saying, Ken had no idea what Aaron was up to. But why would he start working against his own father when he’d obviously been on a good thing? Everything pointed to him having gotten into some debt and being forced to pay it back.
It all made me worry about Kaeli even more. If Ken had used her for his own gains, what was to stop Aaron from doing the same? He’d already shown he didn’t care if she was alive or dead. He’d think nothing of using her as part payment or something.
I cursed under my breath. If that little fucker touched one hair on her head, I was going to fucking kill him. Stealing myself, I forced myself to meet her gaze.
“Has he threatened you at all?”
She blinked at me and a tiny crease formed between her eyebrows. Unease flickered in her eyes. “I…” Her gaze went down to my chest and she bit her lip. “No.”
My heart picked up its pace. I knew when I was being lied to. Placing a finger under her chin, I lifted her face back to mine, and pinned her with a look. “Tell me.”
“It’s…just…nothing really…”
She inhaled deeply, looking a mixture of confused and freaked out. “One day he suggested that he might…try me…”
I frowned. Try her? What the fuck did that mean? Try her patience? I stared at her, trying to work out why she suddenly looked so uncomfortable. Then it hit me.
“Are you fucking serious?!”
If we weren’t on fucking lockdown, I’d go find him right now and cut his fucking balls off.
Kaeli drew in a deep breath. “Up until a month ago, I would’ve said he was all talk, but he seems so different now. Like he’s a little…unhinged or something. I mean, I never thought he’d get someone to kill me…”
Her body trembled against me, so I pulled her in tighter and tucked her head under my chin, pressing my lips to her hair. “I wish I could take you away from there,” I whispered.
Her arm came around my waist, her hand softly smoothing over the muscles in my back. “I wish I could take you away from here…” she whispered back.
Me too, I thought. Me too.
It took a long time for either of us to relax after that, but eventually I felt her body loosen and her breathing slow. Knowing she was asleep, I finally allowed myself drift too.
I woke the next morning with Kaeli’s incredible naked ass pressed up against me and my arms wrapped around her so tightly it was like I was trying to prevent her from escaping.
Laying as still as I could, I just listened to her slow, deep breaths and felt the steady rise and fall of her chest. I wished I knew what the fuck to do to make things good for her. I kept going from deciding to keep her close to me so I could keep her safe, to getting her as far away from me as possible so I could keep her safe.
Neither seemed like a very good idea. I just needed the operation to be over with before she got hurt.