Chapter 24


I was close to losing it. It had taken every ounce of my control not to flip the fuck out when TJ had turned on Kaeli down in the living room. I knew he had no reason to trust Kaeli, but the fear and hopelessness I saw deep in her eyes almost had me coming undone.

The only thing that stopped me was the fact that all the other guys were just as suspicious of her as TJ. That meant I needed to appear to be suspicious too. It wasn’t hard to be an ass to her after that because I turned all my self-loathing into my outwards appearance.

But now that I was alone with her in my room, and was watching her try to shrink into herself against the far wall, I wanted to punch something.

I didn’t bother with the alcohol this time. I knew it wouldn’t do me any good. Instead, I walked over to the bed and slumped down on the edge with my head in my hands. I needed to get her out of this. It was doing me in. I didn’t know how I was supposed to do my job when I was constantly worrying about her.

This latest development was a huge fucking spanner in the works. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if TJ put the whole fucking shipment back until it was sorted, and I really didn’t want that to happen. I’d been at this too fucking long. It was time to get out. I had to finish it.

“Fuck!” I rubbed my hands over my face with frustration. Was this fucking nightmare ever going to end?

All the things I’d tolerated for the job for the last eighteen months was starting to piss me off. Like the smell of fucking smoke on my clothes.

I lurched to my feet and ripped off my shirt, throwing it to the far side of the room before striding over to the table and planting my palms flat on its surface. Hanging my head, I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to regain my fucking composure.

This was all just one giant head fuck. I hated seeing that fear in her eyes when she looked at me. I didn’t want her to be scared of me. I wanted her to know I would do anything to keep her safe. But it was a double edged sword, because in order to keep her safe, she needed to think I was the bad guy.

Checking my watch, I was surprised to see how much time had actually passed. We were quickly getting to the part I both hated and loved. Hated, because I was forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do. Loved, because she felt and tasted incredible.

Pushing off the table, I clenched my jaw and turned around. She was still up against the wall, but she didn’t seem as tense anymore. She was watching me with a mixture of curiousness and confusion.

I took slow steps forward, trying to convey my intensions with my gaze as I went, but I knew she already knew what was coming.

I watched her tense slightly, but it wasn’t the panicked reaction I was expecting. It was accepting. Something stirred inside me and my heart picked up speed. Shit, was I nervous?

I swallowed.

When my body was only mere inches away from hers, so close I could feel the heat radiating off her, I stopped. She tilted her head back and gazed up at me. Fuck, why wasn’t she fighting me? She didn’t even look confused anymore. Just curious. And fuck me if I didn’t like it.

The scent that was coming off her was sweet. It smelled floral, something like jasmine or one of those kinds of flowers. It made my mouth water.

I watched her taking me in, and I realized she wasn’t going to back down. My breath was coming faster now, the rise and fall of my chest more than obvious. Looking down at her chest, I saw it was the same. Was she scared, or nervous, or excited? I couldn’t tell. Her hands were clenched into fists in her skirt, but her eyes weren’t showing fear.

Reaching out, I placed my palms flat against the

wall, either side of her head, and slowly, I leant forward.

Her breath hitched. I saw her eyes flash with something, but I couldn’t decipher it. The split second before my mouth connected with hers, her eyes fluttered closed. Oh fuck. I was so fucking screwed.

I didn’t kiss her hard this time. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead, I gently brushed my bottom lip over hers. She didn’t respond. Her mouth remained still beneath mine, but she didn’t turn away.

I grazed her lips again, my tongue taking a tiny taste without my consent. I could feel her breath against my mouth, and fuck me if that wasn’t a major turn on. My dick was instantly hard.

Taking a third taste, I couldn’t help pressing in a little more. She was fucking addictive.

And then a fucking miracle happened. Her lips moved against mine. It was only the smallest of movements, but I felt it, and god help me, it sent a bolt of pure thrill through my body.

I groaned, my body reacting all on its own. Pushing against her a little more, I kissed her again. I knew she’d be able to feel how excited I was, and I should’ve felt ashamed, but I was too fucking gone to care.

When her lips parted to let me in, I was sunk. I was no longer in control of myself. The little voice of reason that had been helping me decide what was best for her was good and buried. I slid my tongue inside, getting my first real taste of her, and I heard myself groan again.

And when my hands found their way into her hair, I tried to tell myself it was all part of the façade. She needed to look used. Right? Yeah, right.

But when her mouth actually started moving against mine? That was when I knew I was completely full of bullshit. I wanted her, and I wanted her to want me.