“Yes, of course. I’m on my way.”
“Wait! Mia?” I waited for her to respond. “Can you…come alone?”
I was met with silence for a few heartbeats, then, “Sure, babe. I’ll be right there.”
While I waited, I slid my sunglasses on to try to hide the bruise. I knew it wouldn’t cover it all, but it was better than nothing.
Ten minutes later, Mia’s little car pulled up in the patient pick up zone, and I hurried to get the door open before Mia could get out.
“What happened?” she demanded the second the door was closed.
I sighed. I knew there was no way around it. I was going to have the bruise for a good week or so, and I still had to go to school. I just didn’t want to lie. I was sick of lying.
Sliding my sunglasses off, I turned to face her.
I cringed at the gasp that exploded from her. “What happened?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
I slid my sunglasses back on before answering. “Mom fell down the stairs last night. I heard the thump and ran out to check on her. I tripped at the bottom and smacked my face on the banister.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh shit. Is your mom okay?”
I swallowed against the sudden emotion that wanted to break free. “She’s pretty banged up. She’s got a few broken ribs and a broken wrist.”
“Oh my god! How the hell did she manage to fall down the stairs? Was she half asleep or something?”
I had to seriously stop myself from clenching my teeth. I hated that I had to make my mom out to be a clumsy idiot instead of just revealing that her husband was a disgusting pig of a man. “God knows,” I said instead.
Mia exhaled a huff of air. “Jesus, Kaeli. You and I are done with hospitals, okay? No more.”
I sobered as I caught her sideways glance. It had been a month since Mia had fallen and hit her head, landing herself in a coma for a couple of days, but it still felt like it’d only been yesterday. We’d all been terrified we were going to lose her.
“I think I can agree to that.”
Mia slowed for a truck that had its indicator on to move into our lane and gave me a brief glance. “Am I taking you home?” she asked.
I paused. The thought of Ken being home stopped me from answering straight away. Could I face him yet? I didn’t think so, but I needed to grab a quick shower and nap before heading back to the hospital. And I needed my car.
Sighing, I nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”
We drove the rest of the way in silence. I knew Mia wanted to say more, but wasn’t quite sure where to start.
Before I climbed out, I paused with my fingers on the handle. ‘Thanks for coming to get me…”
I watched her bite her bottom lip nervously. “That’s okay. Let me know if I can do anything else. And send your mom my love. Tell her I’m thinking about her.”
Smiling, I climbed from the car. “I will. I’ll ring you tomorrow.”
With that, I went straight inside and up to my room. I hoped like anything luck would be on my side and I’d miss seeing Ken altogether.
Chapter 36
Setting the empty beer bottle down on the bar, I gestured to the barman for another. After stewing over the latest development in the fake pill dilemma, I decided I needed to check in with my team before letting TJ in on my thoughts about Ken.
Knowing TJ like I did, I had no doubt about the way he’d react if I told him I thought Ken was The Shadow, and I didn’t want to risk Kaeli getting caught in the middle if shit went down because of it.
Gazing out across the bar, my eyes paused briefly on Leah and the old guy who was currently putting in some major effort to pick her up. I repressed the urge to laugh, knowing how disgusted she’d be having to pretend she was actually enjoying it.