Corey laughed. “Ryan and Cain are backstage, helping out.”

The guys started their next song and Amber, Jess, Amy and Sarah jumped up to dance. With a quick grin in Mia’s direction, we put our drinks down and joined their huddle, the five of us laughing and moving our hips to the music.

Aiden smirked down at us with a slight shake of his head. It was obvious he found us incredibly amusing. Well, they were entertaining the whole club, so we might as well entertain them.

We didn’t stop dancing the entire time the guys were playing. We were breathless and sweaty, and probably looked a little disheveled, but we were having a blast. Every now and again, the memory of being in Pock’s grasp would appear, causing the panic to rise up again, but then I thought of how Mitch saved me and the closeness I’d felt with him in his room, and calm returned.

The cell he gave me was tucked safely in the back pocket of my jeans. It was my safety blanket. It wasn’t quite as good as having him there beside me, but it was the next best thing.

When the guys’ set was finally over, the house music came on and we all took a few minutes to hydrate ourselves. About twenty minutes later, I saw the guys pushing their way through the crowd. It was amusing to watch. For every two steps they took, they were approached by a different group of girls. Occasionally a guy would sweep in, asking for an autograph, but it was mostly girls.

“God, how do you stand that?” I asked Mia quietly.

She sighed. “It’s hard sometimes, but I know he’s not interested in any of them.”

Just then Jace looked up and met Mia’s gaze. He gave her a grin and winked, making Mia giggle a little. “Yeah, I’m positive you’re the only girl he’s interested in too.”

The guys finally made it into our little area, and I was surprised when each of them greeted me with a little hug. Even Matt. Aiden hugged me last then tucked me under his arm like he used to do with Mia before Jace came along. That act in itself reassured me his actions were purely platonic.

I squeezed him back and smiled before looking out across the crowd. The group of girls I’d overheard while I was waiting in line were looking at me, their expressions ranging from hatred to sadness. I flinched a little, quite taken aback by the hostility I saw. I didn’t care what they thought about me because I knew they had it

wrong. What I was worried about was Mia facing this shit every time she was out with Jace. She didn’t deserve that kind of crap.

My gaze slid past the girls in an attempt to ignore them, and I froze.

Standing on the other side of the dance floor, looking directly at me, was Mitch.

Chapter 32


Seeing Kaeli at The Crypt was the last thing I’d expected when Davo and I arrived to do some digging around.

She hadn’t been hard to spot. That little VIP area was like a second stage when you put eight hot chicks in there with one guy. Especially the way they were all swaying their hips to the beat of the music. It had taken me a second to realize Leah was in there with them. She looked completely different to how she normally looked. Younger.

I hadn’t heard whether they’d put detail on Kaeli yet so, even though I was confused as to why Kaeli would be at the club, I was relieved to see Leah had her back.

It wasn’t until I saw the band go in there after their set, and each of them give her a hug that the relief turned to something else entirely. I wanted to know why the hell they were hugging her. Did she know them, or was she a groupie?

The idea of her being a groupie didn’t sit well with me. I wasn’t sure if it was because I couldn’t see her gushing over a guy just because he could play an instrument, or if I just didn’t like the idea of her giving herself to anyone but me. I knew I shouldn’t think like that, but it was the truth. I wanted her, and I wanted her to want me.

I watched the bass player tuck her under his arm as they all laughed and joked, and I felt my jaw tighten. I had no idea why I’d feel so suddenly violent. She wasn’t mine and I had no right to her, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to march right over there and rip his arms off.

Kaeli glanced out across the club, a tiny crease forming between her eyes as her gaze stopped on someone on the dance floor, but then, just as quickly, she glanced away.

I didn’t know how it was possible for her to find me in the darkness of the club, but when her gaze came to rest on me, I froze. A surge of triumph rose up in me, and I instantly knew I wasn’t leaving until I’d touched her in some way. Yep. I was a prick.

Holding her gaze for a little while longer, I finished my beer and placed the empty bottle on the table beside me. Turning away, I strode towards the back of the club, glancing back once to make sure she got the message that I wanted her to follow me.

Finding a hidden place in the shadows near the bathrooms, I leant against the wall and waited.

Less than five minutes later I saw her step through the crowd near the hall. Her gaze flittered from place to place, searching, as she slowly moved forward. When she got closer, I grabbed her hand and pulled her deeper into the shadows.

Thankfully she didn’t resist. As much as I hated to admit it, irritation was flowing through me, and I knew it had everything to do with those guys having their arms around her. I knew I had no right to be pissed, but I was. I didn’t want anyone else touching her.

Fuck me. Possessive much?

When I had her pinned up against the wall, I gave her a sardonic grin. I needed to find out what those guys were to her. “You were getting quite the attention in that little VIP section of yours,” I said teasingly.