I blinked at her stupidly. Shit. She thought Leah and I had a thing? “Fuck, no. We’ve never been anything but co-workers. I promise.”
She looked at me skeptically.
“You want every little detail?”
Giving me a pitiful look, she exhaled and dropped her head. “I’m sorry. I just need to understand.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby. Fuck, I get jealous any time one of those guy friends of yours is anywhere near you.” I sighed. “I met Leah just before I went undercover at the final briefing. I knew then that she was attracted to me, but of course neither of us could do anything about it.”
“But you wanted to?”
I frowned. “I thought about it, but I think that was just because of where I was. I needed to have something normal to look forward to, if you can understand that? I saw her every now and again when I checked in, and we always flirted I guess, and I did think about maybe seeing where it went when it was all over. But then I met you.”
She gave me a withering look.
“Baby, Leah’s got nothing on you. Seeing now what I have with you, I know that whatever it was with Leah was nothing more than a bit of fun flirting. It pales so fucking much in comparison, it’s not even visible.”
I watched her features change with her emotions. I knew she was taking it all in, and thankfully she looked like she got it. But then she frowned, making the panic flare up again.
“Why did you look so pissed at her?”
Sighing, I looked up to the ceiling for a heartbeat before meeting her gaze again. “She was supposed to be undercover at your school to keep an eye on you.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I remember seeing her there.”
“But not when it mattered.”
Her eyebrows scrunched up. “What do you mean?”
I seriously didn’t want to have to explain it, but I knew there was no way to get out of it now. “Around the time your mom was in hospital, I managed to check in with Leah. I was trying to make sure someone was watching out for you when I couldn’t.” I huffed out a breath, remembering Leah’s reaction. It still pissed me off even now. “Leah kind of flipped out on me. I didn’t get it at the time. I didn’t understand why she thought so badly of you, but I just continued on with the job. I didn’t find out until after Aaron took you that she’d convinced the captain you didn’t need detail.”
Kaeli’s mouth popped open with understanding. “Oh. Wow.”
I gave her a dry look. “Yeah, wow. So that’s why I’m pissed at her. She let her jealousy of you interfere with her job, and your safety was compromised because of it.”
“But…Aaron took me from home, not school, so she’s not really to blame…”
I shook my head at her. “Doesn’t matter. Yes, chances are you still probably would’ve been taken, but she still put her own feelings before the job which, might I remind you, is to serve and protect.”
Kaeli shook her head like she couldn’t believe it. I almost couldn’t either. “She really doesn’t like me,” she said.
“No. She doesn’t like that I like you. There’s a big difference.” I watched her process it all before taking her face in my hands. “So, do you believe me now when I say there’s nothing between me and Leah? Because baby, I’m pretty sure you’re it for me.”
Her beautiful green eyes grew big with wonder and I was suddenly done with talking. Lowering my head to hers, I kissed her deep and lifted her up against me. Then, with more certainty than I’d ever had, I carried her off to the bedroom.
Kaeli was still sleeping soundly when I woke the next morning. I wasn’t surprised when I found myself wrapped around her like a blanket. I’d found myself like that every time I’d woken with her in my bed. It was like I was frightened she might get away while I was sleeping or something.
As I lay there, breathing her in, I knew I’d be happy to do this every day of my life if she’d let me. I just had to show her I could be good for her.
Softly stroking my lips over her bare neck, I let my hand smooth over the silky skin on her hip. Kaeli hummed a sound of contentment and shifted, arching back into me. Pressing my lips to her neck again, I slowly moved my hand over her toned stomach, pulling her in, needing her closer.
“Good morning,” I murmured in her ear.
“Mmm…good morning. I could get used to this…”
Sucking her earlobe between my lips, I inhaled deeply. “Me too…”