Page 112 of Hush (Fighting Fate)

Mia and Amy were perched on the edge of the pool in their bikinis, while Amber and Jess bobbed up and down in the water in front of them. They were all laughing at something Amber was saying, looking like they were having so much fun, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Who said you could all start having fun without me?” I yelled as I dumped my bag and started stripping off.

All eyes swung around to look at me, and I laughed.

“We were all placi

ng bets as to whether you’d turn up at all,” Amber said, laughing. “If I were you, I’d still be in bed. Noah’s freaking hot.”

Throwing my clothes on a chair, I moved towards the pool. “Jesus, I can barely walk as it is.”

They all laughed, but I saw Amy’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink, making me wonder if I’d been too crass.

“Oh my god, give me details,” Amber said. “That boy looks too hot to be bad in bed.”

I laughed, sliding down to sit beside Mia. “Uh…yeah, he’s pretty good.”

I wasn’t sure how much information I should give them. I wanted to talk about what had happened the night before. Not Noah’s melt down, but the dominant part. I’d really liked it and I kind of wanted to get a feel for where they stood with that kind of thing.

“He’s…uh…he’s got a piercing…down there…”

Mia’s eyes bulged. “Holy shit! Are you serious?”

I laughed and gave her a nod.

“Can you feel it? Is it good?”

I felt like I should play it down, but I’d hidden things from Mia for too long. “It’s freaking amazing. I love it.”

“Damn,” Mia said, shaking her head. “I wonder if Jace would consider getting one?”

We all laughed at that, because we all knew she was seriously going to ask him.

Biting my lip, I glanced down at the pool. “Noah also kind of has a domineering side…”

Jess giggled. “Whoa.”

“No,” Amber said, her expression turning serious. “You need to stop right there.” I blinked at her, suddenly panicked I’d gone too far, but then she sighed. “Okay, no. I need to know. Tell us.”

I stared at her, unsure of what was going on.

“Wait, no. Don’t tell us. I seriously can’t know. It’s bad enough that he’s all inked up and pierced. He can’t be dominant as well. That’s not fair.” She growled as we all watched her with amusement. “Shit. Please don’t tell me he cuffed you. I forgot he’s a freaking cop. He has handcuffs!”

We all burst out laughing at her dilemma.

She begged me with her eyes. “Oh god. Just put me out of my misery!”

“Well, he didn’t use his handcuffs. Yet.” Amber groaned. “But he made me put my hands on the headboard and I wasn’t allowed to move them. And he teased me for what felt like forever. And that god damned tongue piercing-”

“He has a tongue piercing!?” Amber yelled. “Nope. I’m out.” With that, she turned and waded to the stairs, grumbling under her breath the whole way.

Mia and Jess were full on laughing at her then.

“Oh, Ambs,” Jess choked out. “We so need to find you a guy.”

Amber stomped over to the outdoor fridge and grabbed a soda before making her way back over to us.

Amy laughed and shook her head. “God, I feel so out of my depth with you guys. Is it wrong that I haven’t slept with Ryan yet?”