Page 115 of Gifted Connections 3

“Can I come with?” Kade asked hopefully as he ran his hands over the vehicle.

“Are you sure you want to risk your life like that?” Noah joked as he came up behind me.

I balled up my fist and hit him on the shoulder. It hurt my hand more than it hurt him, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

He laughed heartily as he danced away.

“We’ll be fine,” I said confidently as I got into the jeep and inhaled the new car smell. Leather, fresh cut grass, brewing coffee, freshly laundered clothing, and new car were some of my favorite smells ever!

“How much do you know and what don’t you know?” Remy smirked at me.

“Gas, brake, turn signals, windshield wipers,” I said self-confidently as I indicated each area.

“Works for me. It’s a six-hour drive, so any time you want to take a break, let me know.” Remy adjusted the seat and leaned it back slightly. His long legs didn’t look the most comfortable and he took up some of my space, so it was a good thing I was petite.

Kade took the seat behind me, otherwise his legs would have been up to his chin due to the amount of room Remy needed. I looked back and gave him a smile before I did my pre-driving checklist. I watched people enough to know the basics.

I adjusted my seat, then my mirrors before fastening my seatbelt. “Will do,” I smiled as I did a little jig.

“You might need these,” Jace leaned into my open window and handed me a little gift bag.

I opened it up and saw a cute pair of aviator sunglasses in them. From the name brand, I knew they weren’t cheap. “Thank you.” I smiled widely. “When did you get these?”

He gave me a crooked grin. “I’ve had them. I just forgot to give them to you. It’s bright outside, and I don’t want the snow blinding you.”

I gave him another smile at his thoughtfulness.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” Troy tapped the top of my jeep before he jumped into one of the Land Rovers.

“Snowboarding here we come,” Jemmy hollered as she threw her bags into another vehicle.

“Work first,” Terrance stated with a grin. He had already been grumbling about going from cold weather to even colder weather. He made it no secret that he was more of a sand and surf guy than a snow guy.

“We can’t work until the brains do their jobs,” Jemmy said smugly.

“Which you could probably do,” Gavin gently reminded her. “With your gift growing, you can probably do it in half the time.”

“Why would your gift be growing?” I asked tongue in cheek. “Did something happen that you didn’t share with the class?”

Gavin gave me a mock glare before he rolled up his window and stared intently out of the front windshield. Sierra gave me a small smile. Jemmy gave me a saucy wink before she got into the passenger seat of their vehicle.

I looked over at Remy. He shook his head as he rubbed his eyes. “No, no I didn’t know,” he insisted quickly, knowing what my question was going to be. “And quite frankly, I wish I didn’t know. She’s a brat but I still consider her my sister, and Gavin’s a great guy, but still no. Just no.”

I smiled at him, surprised by his revelation. I didn’t think any of the guys cared that Jemmy wasn’t exactly a saint before Gavin.

The chorus of all the engines starting rang out in the parking garage. I started mine and waited, maybe a little to cautiously, to join the procession out. I glanced up into the review mirror and saw the heavy gates close behind the last vehicle.


; Remy hooked up his phone to the auxiliary cord, and soon his alternative music began pouring from the speakers. He kept it at a low volume so I could concentrate on the road.

“You can go faster than twenty miles per hour,” Remy joked as he leaned forward to look at my speedometer.

“The roads look…slick,” I frowned at him.

“It hasn’t snowed in a few days, the roads should be clear,” Remy reached over and squeezed my thigh. “We can’t guarantee how it’s going to be there, though.”

“How did they even get that many cabins in such short notice?” I asked mystified.