Collin leapt back as if he had been burned. “Rose, this is…my girlfriend Blake. Blake, this is a good friend of mine, Rose.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said holding out my hand and reaching across Collin’s body.

“Mmm hmm,” Rose replied noncommittedly and frowned at Collin before shaking my hand. “Collin,” she said quietly. “I wasn’t aware that you had a…girlfriend.”

Collin had the audacity to blush and looked a little wild eyed between us. “Well, um,’ he put a hand on the back of his neck. “I told you that things would have to change soon. How’s Drake?” he added quickly.

She looked more hurt by Collin then she ever did about deceiving Drake and cheating on him constantly. She stood up quickly. “Good. Well, I’ll see you later.”

Even if this whole thing wasn’t a sham, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that they had something going on and had been, for some time.

“Rose,” he called out before getting up. “Hey, babe,” he turned to me as if just remembered I was sitting there. “Rose and I go way back. Mind if I see if she’s okay? She’s having issues right now with Drake, her boyfriend.”

I gave him an insincere smile, “Go for it,” I urged him. Relieved. “I understand how important friendships are.” I reassured him.

“Thanks, you’re the best,” he said as he gave me a brief hug, before chasing after her.

Gavin cleared his throat and looked between me and Collin’s retreating figure. “Friends, huh?” he said intuitively before taking another bite of his sandwich.

I giggled. “I know, right? It’s so obvious they’re more than friends.” I took another bite of my salad. “Poor Drake.” I frowned. He hadn’t been as heartbroken as I thought he would have been the first time he found out about Rose’s deception, but she was the first girl he had ever been with, they had been together for years, and he had loved her in his own way.

Gavin leaned in close to me and said in hushed tones. “Is he even your boyfriend? Are you okay with him running off to comfort another girl?”

I shook my head and responded back to him quietly. “No. I wish we had more time to talk, but I have a feeling he’ll be back soon, but he isn’t my boyfriend.”

He looked at me with concern. “Is this some kind of human trafficking thing?”

“No,” I reassured him. “Well, not technically. I met him years ago, we use to go to school together. I saw him briefly…well in the future, but the past…” I gripped my head. This was so confusing, even to myself. I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking, he must think I’m crazy. “Let’s just say someone with a powerful gift is screwing up my real life,” I stated.

He was looking skeptical once more. I didn’t blame him. I wouldn’t believe me either. He was just as new to this community as I was. Sure, he had met other gifted people, but his parents weren’t gifted. They wouldn’t have educated him.

He stood up suddenly, rubbing his eyes wearily. “This is so, messed up on so many levels. I…got to go.”


“You don’t believe me do you,” I stood up grabbing his arm.

“Would you?” he whispered ardently. “We met in the future? You know people I know. You’re the spitting image of a little boy I’ve watched for years. You’re with a man claiming to be your boyfriend, and you’re not running?”

“There’s so much more I wish I could explain to you. We have met, I swear it.” I wracked my brain, trying to figure out a way for him to believe me. I had to convince him. I knew he could help me. It suddenly hit me. “Today, the Columbus Day parade is going on in New York City. In approximately,” I looked down at my cell phone for the time. “One hour, one of the floats will come crashing down.” I closed my eyes trying to remember the specifics. It had been on every news outlet known to man. I remember the bar that I use to work at had it on almost every channel. “Injuring two and killing one.”

His eyes narrowed on me once more, “If you know that, why aren’t you calling the police?”

I sighed, closing my eyes. “You’re gifted. I’m sure you’ve seen some crazy things, and you doubt me. How do you think they will react?”

He nodded and turned away from me once more. “This is a lot to believe and take on right now.”

I let him walk away this time.

When we got home from school that afternoon, I promptly went into my room. I was keyed up and anxious. The news had already hit our school. We already found out about the freak accident in the city. Gavin hadn’t tried to find me. I didn’t have any classes with him the rest of the day.

Collin had noticed my withdrawn appearance and attitude the whole way home, and tried to pry into my life further. I knew I should reassure him, because I didn’t want him to grow suspicious. On the other hand, I was exhausted from pretending. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up.

In the past, I had started to find solace in running. It allowed me to process my thoughts and feelings, while physically helping to tire me and strengthen me.

I looked through my drawers and found a tank top to pull on and a pair of yoga pants. I looked through my closet and found a pair of sneakers. They were bright pink. I hated pink. It was an aversion I had passed on to my sister. Further confirmation that this wasn’t my life. I didn’t belong here. I would have never purchased, or let anyone purchase, pink for me.

I left the bedroom to find Collin sitting on the couch, talking to someone in hushed tones. He stopped abruptly when I walked into the room.