Jemmy left the room, pulling Micah behind her. We all laughed at the panicked expression on his face.

“Come on and sit down in the dining room,” Will urged. “Tell me more about this lightning storm.”

“Oh, we hit lightning,” Jaxson snickered.

“Jaxson,” Troy said with warning in his voice.

Will looked at us in contemplation but shrugged.

“Has anyone located Mr. Young and his family?” Noah asked with concern as we sat down.

“No,” Collin answered. “He won’t answer my calls either.”

“Do you think someone saw you with all of us and tipped him off?” Jaxson asked as he traced the wood grains in the table top.

He hadn’t said much today about his girlfriend, and I wasn’t sure if he missed her or not. The last time, he needed a little time to wrap his head around ‘us’ before he had finally broken up with her. He had always told me his relationship with her had been one of convenience and not love. Drake on the other hand…

I looked over at him and noticed he still seemed withdrawn into himself.

Collin shrugged. “Bridgette’s go

ne too. No one has seen them since late last night.”

“Not since the party,” Jaxson added.

“So, we all need to be aware of our surroundings until we find out if Horatio has anything else planned,” Will stated. “Rachel and I have been interviewing a lot of the people on our teams today, and I am happy to say that we had very few traitors in our ranks. I also handpicked the ones I want to be with Jaxson, Jemmy, Rachel, Noah, Drake, Collin, and Blake.” He suddenly frowned. “I hadn’t realized how lackadaisical we had gotten. A lot of our teams have gotten lazy. I’m surprised they have been so successful on their missions. Remy and Troy, I would like it if you started a training program. I would like you to improve the program we have in place and implement it.”

I didn’t bother asking if a team was necessary for us. I had made my last connection. I was torn between admitting it and letting it go. It was embarrassing enough that my intimate life was out in the open. With six connections, I would be in constant speculation. Why add more to it? So, I didn’t inform Will on the change of events.

“Everyone has to go through it too,” Jemmy grumbled looking at us pointedly, as she came into the room and mutinously sat in her chair.

We all started laughing, except for Gavin, but I could tell it took everything in him, not too.

“Pops wants us to start on Monday,” Jemmy groaned. “Before school,” she wailed in self-pity.

Remy and Troy laughed even harder. “We can have a game plan completed by tomorrow night,” Troy reassured Will.

“I think we should start with a run on Monday morning, maybe four miles.” Remy gave Jemmy a wicked smile as he rubbed his chin.

“Nooo!” Jemmy howled.

It almost felt like old times as we all sat down for our late dinner. Collin even seemed to be adjusting well to our new situation, and I was pleased to find out he had run to the apartment and got all our belongings, so my clothing would be waiting for me, after my shower. Jemmy had already informed me that she was borrowing one of my jackets.

I didn’t mind; it reminded me of the old days when she would raid my closet or allowed me to wear her clothes. She was determined that we would be going shopping tomorrow. Rachel, Ella, Chip, Alex, and Micah needed a more complete wardrobe.

Micah was shoveling food in his mouth and didn’t seem to care that he might have to go shopping with us tomorrow. He didn’t realize how Jemmy was. I’m sure he would grow to hate it by the end of the day. It was rare for any 13-year-old boy to enjoy shopping.

“I’m taking Micah,” Jaxson stated resolutely. “She will make it a lot longer than it has to be,” he explained to Micah.

Micah nodded. “This is good. What is it?” he asked as he pointed to the plate of noodle and meat stir fry in front of him.

“It’s japchae,” Drake finally spoke. “It’s a Korean dish, typically made with glass noodles, thin strips of beef, and vegetables. Sue likes to put spinach, carrots, garlic, and onions in hers.”

He was in his element when he talked about food. I really wished I knew how to talk to him. We never had any issues talking in the past, or should I say, the future.

“Mmm, its good,” he said around another mouth full of food.

“Do I have to go?” Chip piped up. “My mommy has lots of clothes for me at home.”