I gasped. I had completely forgotten about having a half-sister out there that was believed to be working with Horatio. She was now in contact with the guys. She would have to be, to make sure any chance encounters I had with the guys could be erased once more.

“Do you know who she is?” I breathed in shock.

He shook his head once more. “No, Horatio has had her under his thumb for so long. All her records were lost and burned. I couldn’t find them, even if I wanted to.”

I frowned and stared down at my hands, reminded of why I was here to begin with. “Pietro Ricci, Troy, can you find his records?”

He smiled. “That’s something I can help you with, but why the urgency?”

“Do you know how he came into the care of Will?” I asked hesitantly.

He nodded. “I do. I signed every single one of your adoptions or guardianships. Sealed the ones that needed to be sealed.”

I looked back at Gavin, who looked more than shocked. “Sorry,” I frowned. “It’s not my secret to tell, but Troy left his foster home for a reason, and tonight another little boy will want to leave for the same reason…but worse.”

Judge Myron looked grave. “It will be taken care of. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“My sister, well, cousin, Ella Thomas,” I said worriedly. “I don’t know if she’s okay. She’ll come into her gift soon and I don’t know where she is or if she’s even okay. I want her safe. My brother, Alex-”

“Alexander Ray,” Gavin supplied from the back seat. I gave him a grateful smile.

“Alex will come into his gift soon,” I continued. At Judge Myers look of wonder, I added. “I forget you don’t remember all of this…now,” I said ruefully. “My mother had 5 of us, that I am aware. The evil harpy that’s messing with my life,” both men chuckled at me. I continued. “Me, followed by Micah and Alex. I’m not sure where my other brother falls in this, but Alex was able to let me know about his existence before…,” I paused and waved my hand around. “…all this happened. Alex is in the city, Gavin can give you more details, but he will get his gifts soon as well. His father will take him to hospitals, then sell him, essentially. Can you look again? It would make more sense.”

I let Judge Myers see the moment I met Alex and everything he knew about my brother Micah, who was homeless, living on the streets of Baltimore, and how he ended up in the trailer to begin with.

Judge Myers gave me a reassuring smile. “I will try my best to handle this, but I can’t make any promises,” he said sadly.

“Were you part of the institute?” I asked warily.

“I was,” he confirmed. “I got out long before the guys started acting like god,” he said reassuringly. “It looks like I have work to do. Hurry along before someone comes looking for you.” He reached out and grabbed my hand in comfort.

I opened the door, my heart feeling lighter. “Oh, and Blake,” he called before I could close the door. I leaned down to look at him. “Be careful, and I think it’s of great importance that you make those connections very soon.”

I nodded numbly and watched him drive away. We were further than the elementary school.

I groaned. “I hope you don’t mind the long run back.”

“I hope Collin doesn’t lock you down even tighter.”

Collin was livid when I got back. I could see that he was talking on his phone and pacing when Gavin and I came back to the parking lot.

“Where were you?” Collin asked as he stalked towards me. Grabbing my arm in a tight vice grip.

“I decided to run today,” I explained. “Ouch, Collin,” I hissed.

He didn’t seem to care that he was bringing me pain as he started to yank me to the car. “Why didn’t you take your phone? Why didn’t you have the decency to call me?”

“Collin, seriously you’re hurting me,” I cried out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I had left my phone and I didn’t think I was going to be late.”

“Seriously, dude, you need to let her go.” Gavin took a menacing step towards him.

“Stay out of this,” Collin snapped. “I know you want her, but she’s my girlfriend.”

“Oh my gosh, Collin,” I shouted. “We’re just friends!”

“Is there a problem here?” Noah interrupted.

I turned to see Noah, Drake, and Rose right behind me. From Collin’s look of shock, I assumed he hadn’t seen them approach. Noah looked ready for a fight, and even Drake had dropped his bag to the ground. Rose looked sullen.