Page 117 of Gifted Connections 2

“Oh yeah,” Sierra rolled her eyes. “There were a lot of us that weren’t there by choice, but then these two bitches came in and they started acting like everything was great. That we were honored to bring strong, gifted children into the world. Some of those girls ate that stuff up. They forgot that they were brought there against their will. All the ‘test subjects’ were there against their wills. We were like damn science experiments.

“They became…complacent. They became…brainwashed. It was like they became different girls. They got their implants taken out. I guess they were running low on the implants. The guy who created them was taken. Was it you guys who took him? ”

“But you didn’t buy it?” Rachel almost sounded impressed by her as she nodded assent at her question.

“No,” she rolled her eyes. “Have you ever seen the movie Mean Girls? Think Regina George. This bitch was Regina. With her pretty blond hair and blue eyes.”

I gasped as I looked over at Troy. I knew we were thinking the same thing. “Do you remember her name?” I asked quietly.

“Bridgette and her little side kick Tamara,” Sierra snorted. “They were inseparable until the Monster decided to make them join his sick little experiments. He put them through the same procedures we went through. Bridgette, the Monster’s daughter, seemed reticent at first, but that girl has some major Daddy issues. Eventually, she was proud to do whatever Daddy wanted her to do. Tamara got knocked off her high horse really quick. She was terrified. Her daddy was livid, but that didn’t stop the Monster.”

I had to stop myself from getting physically sick. His black heart had known no bounds. What monster would put his own child through that, without her consent? I almost felt smug, almost. Zach Young had picked the wrong side, and I’m sure they were all regretting their decisions now.

Rachel, Troy, and I exchanged glances. “Can you tell us anything more about the facility you were held in?”

She frowned. “I wish I could remember its location. They gave me additional drugs before we were transported. There are a lot of people in there that need help. He has girls like me that he wants to impregnate. Then he’s bringing people in and injecting them with a serum. He’s trying to make gifted people. He thinks he’s God. Most of these people are dying less than twenty-four hours after their injection. The others,” she shuddered. “They might as well be dead.”

I looked over at Rachel and she nodded. Everything Sierra said was the truth.

We finally got the call around midnight. We rushed to our rendezvous point after leaving a generous tip to our waitress.

Micah looked around us as we walked to the darkened side of the diner. We all held on to him, and soon we transported once more. I had to blink to let my eyes adjust. We were standing in the middle of a field. Lights from the waiting airplane, nearly blinded me.

Will had found a small airport in a town called Marine City that had a little airstrip. It had taken a while to reach the owner, but he had gladly allowed us the use of it, once he found out the amount of money Will would pay him.

I watched as five men came off the airplane. I could barely see, but I knew who they were immediately. I broke down in tears as I ran towards them. I was immediately crushed in between them. All the events of the day came rushing to me. The fear, the grief, the hopelessness, and finally, the relief of knowing we were all safe.

I could see the joy in Rachel’s face as they pulled her in for a hug next. I was kind of disappointed not to see Jemmy and Gavin. I really hoped they had already kissed and made up.

I looked up and saw Will’s grief-stricken face before he pulled me in for a tight hug. “I’m sorry, Blake,” he said fiercely. “I never should have put you in that situation.”

I hugged him back after a moment of surprise. “You didn’t put me in that situation. I have gifts. I need to use my gifts for good. I couldn’t stand by and allow men like Horatio continue to wreak havoc, while I sit by idly. We found out so much from Sierra tonight,” I informed him.

He squeezed me one more time. “Let’s go, dear, we got some worried children waiting for you at home.”

I nodded and turned to join my guys once more. The myriad of emotions on their faces, made me realize how important I was to them. I looked at them and hoped they realized how important they were to me.

Will and Remy went to collect Steven from the place we had put him; their steps heavy and their heads cast down. It wasn’t long before they returned. Will insisted on helping to carry his longtime friend, despite Remy’s polite protests.

Before we boarded the plane, I looked over at Sierra and motioned for her to follow us. I could see the curiosity and sadness in her eyes as she watched our reunion. I had a feeling when she lost her Grandmother, she had lost the last blood relative she had. She was like most of us. Another lost boy.

“I’ll make introductions when we get on the plane,” I said. “But for now, everyone, this is Sierra. She and Micah helped us immensely today. Sierra, this is everyone.”

Everyone gave her a warm welcome, and I could see she was slightly overwhelmed but ready for wherever we were going to take her. I noticed a more mature and analytical nature in her. She was always watching and soaking things in. She was strong and had a fire within her.

She seemed reticent for a moment as she looked at the private jet, then us, before she shrugged and boarded the plane in front of me.

I grabbed Jaxson’s hand as we walked towards the plane.

I love you, I told him once again.

His pale grey eyes turned on me, lighting up, and his gorgeous dimple appeared as he smiled at me.

I love you more than you’ll ever know, he responded.

It was as we were walking up the steps when I barely stifled my gasp. Jaxson was holding my hand and he looked up at me questioningly. Sierra was climbing the stairs in front of us, and the back of her shirt had ridden up. The glow from the interior lights illuminated her back.

Do you see what I see? I asked tentatively.