Page 105 of Gifted Connections 2

There was no leaping across this fire. It was at least six feet high and twenty feet across. We could go around it. If we did, we would be off the course and disqualified.

Marcel attempted to throw water at the fire. It would go out. If anything, it seemed to have gotten bigger and more agitated. We stood back and looked at it, contemplating.

“So not normal fire,” Rachel stated dryly.

A few of us laughed; some of our more serious members, not so much.

“How are you feeling, Sam?” Drake asked thoughtfully, as he eyed the obstacle.

“Good,” Sam said warily. “What did you have in mind?”

Drake turned and looked at me. “Kiss me,” he demanded softly.

My eyes widened in surprise and shock.

Jemmy, Rachel, and Dawn had been close enou

gh to hear him, so they immediately dissolved in laughter.

Drake held out his hand and repeated himself. “Trust me. Kiss me.”

I took his hand and let him draw me in. I stood on my tip toes and let him capture his lips with mine. He gently cupped my face, and I lost myself in his kiss as he opened my mouth, his tongue tangling with mine. I was vaguely aware of the catcalls and whistles. I was lost in his touch. I wanted more of him.

He finally broke our kiss, and at my groan of displeasure, he gave me a smile, even though he was red. He was generally not into public displays of affection, so I was surprised by his boldness.

I turned around, feeling my cheeks warm. I saw that the other team had caught up and Rose was in the front of the group, shooting daggers at me with her eyes, while most of her teammates called for an encore.

Drake smiled at me again before he turned and created a force field around Jemmy, Rachel, and Dawn. I watched in amazement as he raised his hands. The force field became a sphere around them, now hovering above the earth.

The girls squealed in surprise, before they grabbed onto each other, laughing nervously. I could see the studied concentration on Drake’s face as he continued to lift them. He barely spared Sam a glance as he said, “When they clear the fire, push them to the other side.” He then shouted to the girls. “Yell, when I can release you.”

“Okay,” they shouted back, but their voices sounded distorted.

“Did you just have Blake…boost you?” Michael asked in awe.

Jaxson, Noah, and Troy began laughing. “This isn’t a video game,” Troy finally said. “There’s no boosting.”

“But-but I’ve worked with him before, and he’s never been able to lift his shield, let alone carry people in it,” Michael stuttered.

“They’re connected,” Terrance shot his team member an annoyed look. “I’m sure you’ve heard of people becoming stronger through their connection.”

Michael mumbled something, clearly embarrassed.

I reached over and patted his shoulder with a smile. “It’s okay. I’m learning too,” I whispered.

He gave me a grateful smile.

“Now!” We barely heard the yell on the other side.

“We’re good,” Jemmy yelled, her voice clearer now.

Drake dropped his hands down to his side. “She makes me stronger,” Drake confirmed as he gave me a level look.

I smiled at him as I heard an angry huff behind us. I didn’t have to turn to know Rose had walked closer.

It was nearing eleven by the time we hoped were encountering our last obstacle. We were all getting exhausted. I was regretting only eating a banana at breakfast that morning, and my sleepover. Okay maybe not my sleep over—that was worth the lost sleep—but I was definitely exhausted and hungry.

The moment we got close to the obstacle, some of our team started crying or screaming.