“My thought exactly,” I agreed.

“So, Blake,” Bridgette turned her gaze on me finally. “I heard you convinced Collin to finally start dating you.”

I took a bite of my chicken and looked at her coolly. “It didn’t take that much convincing, in fact, he pursued me.” I stated. “Again. Isn’t that the reason you bothered me in high school?”

She let out a loud high-pitched laugh. “You’re so silly. I never bothered you. In fact, I ignored you, like everyone else did.”

Will cleared his throat at the end of the table. “You girls know each other?”

“You can say that,” Brigette smiled at Will. Then she looked over at Tamara. “She used to wear hideous baggy clothes and sulk around the school,” she whispered loudly to Tamara.

Tamara giggled. “All black and emo like…I can see that.”

“How did you guess?” Bridgette laughed.

“You girls are bitches,” Jemmy said almost conversationally. Then she leaned over Gavin’s other side and smiled at me. “Tamara is intimidated by most pretty girls and her new friend is just as bad. Why is she here again?” Jemmy pointed at Bridgette as she looked at Jax.

Jax looked slightly uncomfortable. He always hated confrontation and was a peace maker through and through. “Tamara likes her and wants Bridgette to feel welcome. She’s new here.”

“Jemmy,” Will said sternly, although there was laughter and pride gleaming in his eyes. “Language please.” He looked over Bridgette. “So, Collin and you both attended Pine Grove High School, but you didn’t?” he inquired, looking at me.

Bridgette’s eyes widened slightly as if she realized her faux paus and I realized in that moment she was also working with Collin and Zach. My stomach turned as I contemplated what she had to do with all of this. I’m sure she was babysitting the guys. Just like Collin was babysitting me, but what was she capable of doing?

His eyebrows knitted, clearly piecing it all together, just as he was opening his mouth, I looked over at him. “Please drop it. Please for your, and everyone’s, safety,” I tried to compel my thoughts into his head.

His head snapped over at me, and he looked back at Bridgette. I’m pretty sure I saw an imperceptible nod, before he took another bite of his chicken. “I look at files all day. It gets hard keeping track at times.” Will smiled.

His phone began to ring, and he smiled apologetically at us before he stood up. “I apologize for the interruption, but I must take this.” He stood up and I noticed he turned and looked at me with a puzzled expression, before he headed into his den.

“Awkward,” Tamara giggled in the silence of the room when he left.

Drake gave her a slightly annoyed look before he turned to look at Jax. “How many people are we planning for tomorrow night? Do you want to do some sub trays, pizza and wings maybe?”

I sat there slightly stunned. In the past, I was able to m

ake people do what I asked them to do, but I never tried to talk to them before. I mean, Jaxson and I had a connection since I was ten. We had been able to carry conversations when I was scared or angry, but I had never tried to talk to anyone else or project my voice in my head.

I felt both giddy and shocked that my gift seemed to be back. Was it because Collin was too far away from me? I decided to continue testing my theory out.

“Gavin,” I called silently.

His head snapped over at me and his jaw dropped.

“Don’t talk. You can hear me?”

He looked around the table. Then he looked down at his food and nodded his head.

“We need to leave. Now,” I insisted.

He nodded once more and then wiped his mouth with his napkin. “That was a delicious meal once again. Thank you, Drake. I think it’s time for me to head home, though,” he said before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

“I thought you had a lesson with Remy tonight,” Jemmy said. She looked disappointed that he was leaving suddenly.

I would have giggled if the situation was slightly different. Jemmy grew easily bored with guys, and she never clung to or demanded their attention. The fact that she was trying to convince Gavin to stay showed me a lot.

He looked like he wanted to reach out and touch her, but then he looked around guiltily before he withdrew it. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I forgot I told my mom I was going to pick up some cat litter for her on the way home.”

Even to my ears, the excuse sounded lame.