Collin dropped my arm abruptly and smiled broadly. “No, nothing,” he hastily explained. Then he looked hesitantly at Rose. “Just relationship issues, you know how that goes.”

I rubbed my arms, certain I would have a bruise there tomorrow.

“Even if you think your girl is cheating on you, I don’t think manhandling her and dragging her around is acceptable,” Drake said with quiet conviction.

I looked over at Gavin, mortified that Drake would think I was cheating and wondering if he caught the slight inflection in Drake’s tone. Did he suspect their relationship?

Collin had the audacity to blush. “I’m sorry Blake and Gavin,” he said a bit grudgingly. “I was just worried. You’re new here and I didn’t know what could have happened to you. I didn’t know you were with him. I looked all over the gym and didn’t see you there. I freaked out. I’m sorry.”

I looked down at my arms and rubbed the imprints of his hands. I looked down, longing to tell him where he could go. If I didn’t rea

lize how important it was for me to find out who else might be working with him, I would have already left him. I never understood how any woman would subject herself to any form of abuse.

“Blake, sugar, honey,” he tried to wheedle as he drew me into his arms. “I’m sorry. Please accept my apology.”

I grudgingly nodded.

“Blake,” Noah demanded my attention. “If you’re not comfortable going home with him, we can bring you back with us. Maybe give you both some room.”

“No!” Collin shouted quickly. Then more softly. “I mean, that’s not necessary, is it Blake.” He hugged me closer. “It was all just a little misunderstanding. She understands I would never intentionally hurt her.”

I looked over at Gavin once more. He was still angry. “Maybe a time out would be good.”

“I can drive you home, if you want,” Noah added. “Gavin, you’re welcome to come along as well.”

I knew this was an opportunity I should take. Judge Myers and Ella’s words came back to haunt me. Make your connections. I could take this opportunity to try to make a connection tonight and go back to Collin’s later so I could continue finding a way to use his same methods of spying.

“Yeah,” I tried to feign a look of apology at Collin. “Maybe I need a time out. Sorry,” I whispered softly to him. “You really hurt me and scared me. I need some time to think.”

“Come on, Blake,” his voice got real whiny. “You know I didn’t mean it.”

“Let’s go, Blake,” Gavin insisted. “I’ll follow you to your spot,” Gavin looked at Noah as if he didn’t know where he was going.

I picked up my bag and followed Gavin to his pickup truck.

Chapter 7

I felt like I was coming home, in all sense of the word. The moments we rolled through the gates I felt a tug on my heart strings.

“I missed home,” I said quietly to Gavin.

He looked over at me with sympathy. “I don’t know how you do it. If it was me I would have already told them the truth. Plus,” he added quietly. “I don’t trust Collin. Now more so than ever. I think you should tell them tonight.”

The truck came to a stop and I looked over to him. “It’s not that easy. For one, I need to find out who is against them, and I am in the best position to do so; and two, I don’t think they’re ready for it. It was hard for you at first and we don’t have to make a connection. I’m not forcing myself into your life, whereas I would be if I drop it on them now. If I take opportunities like this and let them know me for me and not me as their connected, then I think they’ll be more receptive.”

He shook his head. “If it was me, I would want to know. Especially knowing the danger, you put yourself in.”

A knocking on Gavin’s window made us jump. Noah’s smiling face was on the other side.

Gavin opened the door.

“Everything okay?” Noah asked.

“Fine,” Gavin said sullenly. “Just talking about the ass.”

I knew he was upset with me as he picked up his bag and started walking towards the house, reminding me this had become like a second home to him 3 or 4 days a week.

“You’re sure you’re just friends?” Noah murmured quietly with a mocking glint in his eyes.