“Do you think that’s good?” he asked.

I couldn’t say anything. I had all the feelings. Her determination is her greatest asset. He was the one who’d sparked that determination, who’d made my vague aspirations seem possible when I was working as an escort.

“Too gushy?” he asked when I remained silent.

“No, it’s good. It’s nice.”

“It’s true,” he said gruffly, like he was angry that I’d accused him of being nice. He moved the cursor down to the final question.

Is there any task you wish the candidate had completed during the internship, which was not completed?

I watched as he typed Blowjob under my desk in the space allotted.

“You can’t write that,” I said, turning to him in exasperation.

“Why not? You never did it.”

“You can’t write that on my actual evaluation. They’ll never let you mentor anyone again.”

“I don’t want to mentor anyone else. I made an exception for you.”

I glared at him. He frowned back at me and shrugged. “If you don’t want me to put that on your evaluation, then I suppose you’d better get busy. Your internship ends in a week.”

His fingers spread under my blouse, tracing along the line of my waistband. I could feel his cock solidifying against my ass.

“You said no sex in the office,” I reminded him.

“Uh, no. You said no sex in the office.”

“But you agreed. You promised.”

His hand moved higher, to caress the underside of my breast. His voice rumbled against my ear. “You know I’m not to be trusted. My promises are shit.” His thumb grazed my nipple, a flash of sensation over the silk cup of my bra.

I wanted to argue with him, but that brush of his thumb resonated in my pussy. It resonated everywhere as he gazed at me with his intent blue stare.

“I know you’ll find this hard to believe,” he said, “but I’ve never had a blowjob under my desk.”

“Poor, deprived man,” I replied with as much sarcasm as I dared.

My gaze dropped to his lips. Any moment now, I knew he would make me. I saw it in his face, felt it in his body’s tension. I could have saved both of us the trouble and slid down under his desk where he wanted me, but no, that was no fun. I looked at the door.

“What if someone comes in?”

“No one will come in,” he said.

That was true. When people knocked, they waited outside until he barked “Enter” like a commanding sovereign. “But what if they do?” I asked.

“Then I guess they’ll discover what a whore you are.”

His gaze dropped to the front of my blouse. He unbuttoned a couple of the buttons, just enough to expose my bra and the tops of my breasts. He smoothed back the fabric, and raised me to stand in front of him, between his legs.

“Lift up your skirt,” he said.

“I thought you wanted a blowj—”

He slapped me before I even got the words out. “Do what I fucking tell you.”

I bit my lip and yanked my fitted skirt up to my waist, feeling cool air against my skin. My cheek stung where he’d slapped me, flaring with heat as I held his gaze.

“Now push down your panties,” he said. “Leave them around your ankles. If anyone comes in, I want them to see just how slutty you are.”

His desk faced the door, so once I was kneeling under it, giving him a blowjob, everything between my legs would be on display. It was so scary and hot, and twisted. I pushed down my panties, half ashamed and half turned on.

“Take out my cock,” he said in a low voice. “Touch me.”

Five minutes ago we’d been working on my evaluation. Now we were working on something very, very different. I reached for his fly and released him. He offered brusque assistance, rearranging himself in the chair and pushing back the sides of his pants so only his cock was exposed.

“Get on your fucking knees,” he said. “If I have to fill out this evaluation for you, you’re going to blow me while I’m doing it. You’d better make it good.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And don’t be sloppy.” He grabbed my hands and shoved them behind my back. “Just your mouth. Just your tongue. No drooling and acting stupid. If there’s one fucking drop of spit on my pants when you’re finished, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

“Yes, Sir.”

I was so turned on by his rough handling and his coarse words that I could hardly speak. When he shoved his cock in my mouth I took it as deep as I could, but not so deep that I’d start drooling. I held my hands behind my back in obedient fists and sucked him with warm, steady pressure.

After a moment or two he let go of my head. I heard him start typing again on his laptop. Work and blowjobs. Why wouldn’t they go together in Price’s perverse world? I thought about what I must look like, kneeling under the desk with my ass stuck out and my panties around my ankles. It just went to show how much I would do for him, how much I was coming to accept, even enjoy, the depraved humiliations he bestowed on me.