I stroked my cock as I watched her abuse herself. She was gorgeous, thrusting her breasts out and rocking her hips. Why had I never made her masturbate like this before, for my enjoyment? I never saw her masturbate when I was watching from across the street. She must have done it shamefully, under the covers. I thought of the ass plug and lube in her bedside table and smothered a smile.

When it looked like she was getting close, I went to stand in front of her. She’d been in her own little world, but when she felt my presence, she opened her eyes and sat up a little straighter.

“Keep going,” I said, flicking one of her taut nipples. “Never stop until I tell you to stop.” I played with her breasts, pinching, teasing, caressing. Mostly pinching, because I loved to hear her gasps.

She whimpered and bucked her hips forward. I could have put on a condom and stuck my dick inside her. She would have come in an instant, but this was about making her perform for my amusement. It was about watching her writhe and whimper, and wish I was inside her.

“It’s so hard to come when you’re hurting me,” she said. “It’s hard to come sitting up like this. It’s so hard.”

“I don’t care if it’s hard. You do what I want, and I want you to come.”

“Will you fuck me? Please?”

I let go of her nipples and popped her on the cheek. “What did I tell you?”


“Maybe later.”

She groaned. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wouldn’t sleep with you for so long. But I’ve changed my mind now. Please, I want you to fuck me! Please forgive me. Please fuck me!”

Her babbling beg-session was gorgeous. Her frantic masturbation was gorgeous.

“You need to come in the next sixty seconds,” I said, starting to strip, “or you’re getting it in the ass.”

I threw my clothes over a chair and grabbed some condoms from my luggage. Of course I’d brought condoms. Never, ever went anywhere near Chere without condoms. I dug out the travel-sized bottle of lube, too, just to scare her, but I wasn’t in the mood for anal. I didn’t want to force myself into her asshole tonight. Tomorrow, maybe, when I wasn’t so wrought up from our re-connection.

She watched me as I rolled on a condom. “You’re running out of time,” I said, flicking at the lube’s cap with a blasé expression.

The threat of forced anal turned her on enough to make her come. I could tell because she gave that little hitch of breath that always signaled her climax. She jammed her fingers into her pussy and rode it out, bouncing on the edge of the bed.

“That was beautiful,” I murmured, fisting my shaft. “That was a very entertaining show.”

She stared at my cock in that hungry, desperate way she had.

“You want this now, don’t you?” I said, brandishing it at her. “You want me inside you?”

She nodded, still pawing at her pussy. I took her chin and gave her a few choice slaps.

“Say it. Use your words. You want my cock?”

“Y-yes, Sir. Please. Please, Sir, I want your cock.”


“Please, Sir, I want your cock!”

I let go of her chin and shoved her back on the bed, and yanked her hands over her head. I slapped her breasts a few times, her reddened nipples still offered up by her helpful bra. She wanted to shield herself but she couldn’t. Her struggle was gorgeous. The small pleas in her throat had me driving for her entrance. When I pushed inside her, she groaned and opened her thighs wider to accommodate me.

Oh God. Oh fucking God in fucking heaven. I gritted my teeth against the sensation of her body opening, stretching, clenching around me. Her pussy was so tight, so fucking tight and responsive. She squeezed around my dick and I almost went off.

“Wait,” I growled. “Don’t move.”

I blew air through my teeth. I didn’t want to come too fast. I didn’t want to fuck her too hard and possibly injure her. Get your shit together, Price. Take a fucking breath and man up your shit.

When I had control again, I started to move, sinking deeper. I’d forgotten how soul-searing it felt to be inside her, how everything in the world came down to my shaft and balls, and the electrified jolts of pleasure every time she moved her hips to take me deeper. Electrocution. Destruction. Violence. I needed to give her violence to find peace, so I gave her violence, driving into her, using my knees for leverage to fuck her across the bed. She ended up at the headboard, braced back against it.

I gazed at my wanton slut, my whore, my Chere, her dark hair and caramel skin a delicious contrast to the pristine white upholstery. I lifted her up, held her hard and fucked her from my knees. To a voyeur, it might have looked like I was worshiping her, because I was kneeling before her, and her head was thrown back like some priestess in ecstasy. Maybe we had a spiritual moment. I don’t know. I was too busy fucking her to figure that out. She clung to my shoulders while I fucked her and fucked her and fucked her, and grabbed her by the neck, and kissed her through her moans.