“You okay?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah.” Nick had no idea whether he was okay, honestly. He’d just blown his best mate in a tree. It was going to take him a little while to integrate that experience and make sense of it. Shit. What would it mean for their friendship? That thought sent a jolt of anxiety through his stomach. “You?”

“I think so. I’m just trying to work out how the hell that happened. Am I awake? Because if not, then I’m having a very weird dream.”

Nick gave a weak chuckle. “Well if it’s a dream, I’m having it too.”

Jackson laughed and the warm familiar sound was reassuring. Things might be a bit weird between them after this, but they’d work it out somehow.

They had to.


Jackson tightened his arms around Nick, trying to ignore his growing sense of unease at what they’d just done. All those years of friendship and then… that. What kind of insanity had gripped them both?

Time was ticking away, and they needed to get back for dinner soon. Jackson was unwilling to break the spell that still surrounded them. Wrapped in each other’s arms like this, it was as though they were lovers in a storybook, bound together by something unbreakable with a happy-ever-after guaranteed. But that wasn’t their reality.

He wished he knew what was going on in Nick’s head. Was Jackson the only one who’d just been shaken to his foundations? Was he the only one who felt as if things could never be the same again—who didn’t want things to ever be the same again?

“So… um. That was….” Words were too difficult.

“Fun?” Nick supplied.

Fun was one way of describing it. Mind-blowing would have been more accurate, and not just because it had felt so good. Jackson’s brain was total mush in the aftermath, and his thoughts were anxious and scattered. “Oh yeah, for sure. But kinda crazy, huh?” Surely Nick had to be a little freaked out too?

“Mmm.” Nick’s sound of agreement was muffled by Jackson’s shoulder.

Jackson wanted more of a response than that, but he was too afraid to ask anything too direct in case he didn’t like the answer. “I’m pretty sure we just breached some best friends’ contract or something.”

Nick laughed. Raising his head to meet Jackson’s gaze, his expression was bright and seemingly unconcerned. “Probably. But does it matter? We’re still good, right?”

“Of course.”

Face softening, Nick cupped Jackson’s cheek and surprised him with a brief kiss on the lips. “We wouldn’t be the first friends to fool around together. We’re consenting adults, we’re both single. It’s not like it’s hurting anyone.”

Not yet. Jackson’s heart warned him, jumping in his chest. “Of course not,” he said.

“We’ve both been celibate for too long, and you’ve got to admit that was pretty great. Maybe we should just let ourselves enjoy it. It is Christmas after all.” Nick smiled.

Jackson stared at him. Was he suggesting this could be more than a one off? “Do you mean… you might want to do that again?”

“Well, not that exactly. I don’t want to push my luck and fall out of a tree in some embarrassing sexual misadventure.” Nick’s amused expression faded into hopeful uncertainty. “But something else maybe? We’re sharing a bed for the next few nights… so we could see what happens with all that close proximity.” He shrugged. “I’m up for it if you are. Think about it.” With that, he got off Jackson’s lap and started rearranging his clothes. “Come on. Time to head back.”

Jackson’s mind was reeling as they walked through the darkening wood.

What exactly did Nick have in mind? The invitation to do more had been pretty clear, but did he only mean while they were sharing a bed here? And if Jackson let himself give in to temptation and agreed to it, what would happen when they got home?

They let themselves in through the back door and found Reg in the kitchen with his apron on and his sleeves rolled up. Every ring on the gas hob had a pan on it, the windows were steamed up, and the scent of roast turkey filled the room.

“Hello, boys,” he greeted them. “Good timing. Dinner will be in about twenty minutes. The others opened some bubbly while you were out. It’s in the living room along with the glasses.”

“Lovely, thanks. Do you need some help?” Nick asked.

“No, it’s all under control, thank you.”

As they passed through the kitchen, Nick stopped and caught Jackson’s sleeve. “Hey, not so fast.” He pointed up with a mischievous grin.

Jackson glanced up at the mistletoe. “Again?” He raised his brows.

“It’s traditional.” The kiss was sweet and chaste, totally unlike the frenzied kisses they’d recently shared in the tree, but it still made Jackson’s heart beat faster.

“Dinner was fantastic, Dad, thank you for cooking.” Maria pushed her knife and fork together. “But I’m going to have to admit defeat, or I definitely won’t have room for pudding.”