“No, I’m happy following.”

“You just want the excuse to look at my arse,” Nick teased, grinning.

“Well, it is pretty easy on the eye.” Jackson’s tone was light, but he avoided Nick’s gaze. “Plus I’ll be able to check where the footholds are.” He got his phone out and turned the torch on ready.

Nick climbed up easily, the pattern of movement easy and familiar. Muscle memory was an amazing thing, laid down years ago in nerve pathways that branched in his brain much like the roots of the tree he was climbing.

When he reached the platform, he looked down to see Jackson standing inside the tree, cramped in the tight space as he shone his torch towards his feet.

“Can you see what you’re aiming for?” Nick asked.

“Yeah. I think I’ve got it this time.” Jackson put his torch away to climb. “Ugh. I’m too big for this.”

“You managed it last time. You’re fine.”

“It would be a hell of a lot easier if I was skinny. My shoulders don’t give me much room to manoeuvre. Oof. Nearly there.”

He finally hauled himself out into the open and sat beside Nick, breathless and grinning. “Made it.”

“Well done.” Nick patted him on the back.

“And it was totally worth it.” Jackson looked around. “It’s cool to see it in daylight. What a place!”

“It’s perfect, isn’t it?”

The tree cradled them, holding them between the earth and the sky. At this time of year, the branches were bare enough for them to see the orange and pink of the sunset through the surrounding trees.

“It’s so peaceful.” Jackson sat motionless with a faraway look on his face.

Nick tuned in to the sounds of nature around them: the whispering of a few determined leaves still clinging to the branches, the sudden rustle of a squirrel in a neighbouring tree, the birdsong that would soon fade with the light. The tingling sensation of before returned, a sense of connection to the world around him borne on a swooping rush of happiness. He let his gaze settle on Jackson, and the feeling built, swelling in his chest and making his heart beat faster.

“Are you okay?” Jackson looked at him curiously. “You look… I dunno. As if you’re about to cry, or maybe burst into song or something.”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just… glad to be here.” The feeling was too elusive, too intangible, and too precious to even attempt to describe properly. He wanted to guard it and keep it safe, not dilute it into inadequate words.

Self-conscious, he broke eye contact to gaze into the branches above him. “Oh look!” He chuckled, pointing at the spherical tangle of leaves that hung a few metres above their heads. “Mistletoe. It’s such a shame we’re not really a couple, otherwise this would be the most perfect thing in the world, wouldn’t it?” He grinned at Jackson. “Alone in this beautiful place, birds singing, the sun setting, a ball of mistletoe right there. It’s as if the universe was planning this especially for us.” Despite his attempt at humour, Nick’s heart thumped extra hard and there was a strange swoopy feeling in his stomach.

Jackson glanced up and then gave Nick an uneasy smile. “Yeah.” His huff of laughter didn’t quite ring true.

“It honestly feels as if we’re supposed to kiss right now. Like it’s somehow meant to happen.” Nick wasn’t joking anymore. They stared at each other, trapped by a strange intensity that seemed to buzz in the air around them, some ancient and inevitable force as old as nature itself.

“Go ahead and kiss me then.” There was a hint of challenge in Jackson’s eyes, as though he was daring Nick to do something dangerous.

Nick didn’t hesitate. If he thought too hard, he would come up with a thousand reasons not to do it. Instead, he let instinct guide him as he slid closer, curled one hand around the back of Jackson’s neck, and drew him in. As their mouths touched, the electrical sensation grew and spread. He softened his lips, allowing them to part against Jackson’s for a moment, and to his amazement Jackson started to kiss him back in earnest. Slowly and gently, but with such utter determination that it made Nick’s body light up from his toes to his scalp with a sweet rush of desire.

This is a terrible idea.

But it was too late for that now. Nick’s rational mind would have had more luck stopping a juggernaut skidding out of control. He didn’t want to pause even for a moment to question what they were doing in case this midwinter magic evaporated and the moment was lost. Driven by a heady cocktail of hormones and emotion he deepened the kiss, bringing his other hand to Jackson’s cheek as Jackson wrapped his arms around Nick and tugged him closer.

The kiss had an edge of desperation to it as though neither of them wanted to let it end. Nick thought he would carry on kissing Jackson forever if he could. Caught in this perfect moment, he wasn’t ready to deal with the inevitable fallout that would come when they stopped.