“No, no,” she said quickly. “It’s fine, Diana. I was just a little surprised.”

“I know it’s out of the blue a bit. Taking care of a kid for a couple of days is a big deal, but you’re so good with him.” I heard the pleading in my own voice, but couldn’t make myself feel upset about it.

She hesitated, but after a bit, she said, “Can I pick him up in the morning? The girls are still here.”

I winced and knew I should say that would be fine, great even. But I couldn’t. Tomorrow morning was a lifetime away and after that guy had threatened me in my own shop, I couldn’t risk that he wouldn’t come here next. And since it was clear to me that Ethan would not be protecting me or my family, I had to do that myself.

And the easiest way to do that was to get Cody out of here for a bit.

“Please, Jessie, can you take him tonight? I’m worried.”

I heard some muffled sounds and imagined Jessie covering the receiver with her hand so she could cuss. “Jesus, okay, of course. I’ll be over in thirty, okay?”

I thanked her and promised I’d give her a raise as soon as I could. She told me not to worry about it, though I knew she hoped I’d make good on that promise. We hung up then and I went into Cody’s room. I felt badly that he’d only just fallen asleep and now I was going to wake him up, but I reasoned that it was Friday and he could sleep a little late tomorrow.

Grabbing his backpack, I threw some clothes in there and a coloring book with some superhero on it. I grabbed his toothbrush from the bathroom as well as his vitamins. After that, I headed to the living room to wait for Jessie.

I was anxious, worried that some evil monster was going to pop out of every corner and shadow. Any and every little movement had me jumping. When the knock at the door finally came, I had to slap my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream.

It was strange, but I’d never worried that Ethan was going to come to my home and threaten my son.

I answered the door. “Jessie, thank you so much.” I threw my arms around her in a hug. She squeezed me back.

“Jeez, you really are worried sick, aren’t you?”

I smiled a little at her. “A mother’s prerogative.”

I handed her Cody’s bag. “I packed some clothes and a few other things. If I forgot something, I’ll drop it off. If there’s a problem—”

“Diana, seriously. Breathe. Everything’s going to be fine. I know the drill.”

I nodded and forced myself to let out a slow breath. “I know. You’re right. Thank you again for doing this.”

“Let’s grab the little guy and I’ll see you Monday, right?”

We headed to Cody’s room and I settled on the edge of his bed, leaning over him. Gently I shook him awake. “Sweetheart? Jessie’s here.”

“Mommy? What’s going on?”

“We’re going to have a sleepover, little buddy!” Jessie said, chipper and smiling.

He looked between her and me. He must have sensed something was off, but couldn’t place it. “A sleepover?” he asked suspiciously.

Jessie nodded. “Yep. Just you and me all weekend. Lots of cartoons, coloring books, and board games. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

He thought about it a moment, looking again at me. “Mommy?”

I kept my smile bright, despite my shot nerves. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll see you Monday. I just thought you’d like to spend some time with Jessie. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

He shrugged, then yawned, clearly still sleepy. But he nodded his head despite himself. “Uh-huh.”

“Good. Now give me a kiss.”

He leaned over and planted one on my cheek. I returned the favor. I scooped him up then and handed him over to Jessie. As soon as his head hit her shoulder, he was asleep all over again. I stroked back his hair, telling myself I was doing the right thing. “I love you, baby.”

“He’ll be okay, Diana. I promise.”

I nodded, then watched as they left. This is only temporary. Cody’s only going to be there until it’s safe again.

But even as I thought that, I wondered if it was ever going to be safe again.

Chapter 13

If I thought now that Cody was safely tucked away at Jessie’s I would be able to sleep, I was dead wrong. I spent twenty minutes just staring at the ceiling after they left. Sheep counting wasn’t working and I seemed to jump at every little sound I heard.

Giving up, I finally threw back the covers and headed out towards the kitchen. As I walked down the hall in my large gray shirt, I wondered how in the hell my life had gotten so convoluted.

I mean, I knew how. Ethan had complicated everything and put me in a really bad spot, made worse by my own growing sense that maybe there was something tangible and real between us. But if I traced back the whole thing—Ethan coming into my shop and making his offer, me turning him down—maybe it wasn’t Ethan who had caused all of these problems. Maybe my good girl nature was partly to blame. If I hadn’t been so spotless and squeaky clean, Ethan never would have even glanced my way.