“You’ll have enough money to coast for a while. And I don’t think you’d have a whole lot of trouble finding new clients. You’re a good lay.”

His fingers delved between my legs. He stroked me until I couldn’t hold back the noises, the need. His cock was hard, jutting up between us, and next thing I knew, I was sliding along the length of it, sloshing water back and forth in the tub.

“Are you on the pill?” he asked, stilling me with the tip of his cock against my entrance.

“Yes. I mean, no. I mean, you can’t.” I reached down to block him. I was on the pill, but he wasn’t coming inside me without a rubber. No.

“I’m clean, Chere. I’m a very responsible person.”

“How do you know I’m responsible?”

That laugh again. “Because you’re too much of a bitch to be careless. I bet you don’t even let the boyfriend in without a condom. If you really have a boyfriend.”

There was a shift and a splash, and the sound of a condom wrapper, and then he was back again. I checked with my fingers and yes, he was sheathed. Yes, I was a bitch when it came to protection. Yes, since the drugs, I hadn’t let Simon near me without a condom, although the truth was, we hadn’t had sex for months.

“Be mine, Chere, just for a while.” He surged into me. I was primed, even in the water. He teased my still-hurting breasts and filled me oh, so perfectly. “Be exclusive with me. It won’t be that long. Just a few months. I’ll probably get bored of you by then.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“I never said I wasn’t.”

“I can hardly get up the motivation to see you from week to week, much less be exclusive with you,” I said. “You’re cruel and full of yourself. There’s nothing about you I like.”

He manipulated my clit, just to prove me a liar. My hips bucked, rebelling, arching for more. “Nothing you like, huh?” he said in that bemused tone of his.

“And I don’t know anything about you. You act like your personal information is some holy grail that no mere mortal can look upon.”

“You know my name.”

“Your fake name.”

A pause, just long enough for me to realize how cranky and pathetic I sounded.

“You like me that much, huh?” he said, pressing me down on his cock. “You’re crazy about me.”


“You are. You want to know all about me. It’s killing you that you don’t know my name, my favorite color, my birthday—”

“I don’t want to know anything about you.” Jesus, if only he wasn’t such a good fuck, even now, in a bathtub, when I was pissed at him for being a jerk. “You know, if you want to build up an exclusive arrangement with an escort, zip ties and blindfolds aren’t the way to go about it. Or hard anal, tied to a bed.”

“You love hard anal, tied to a bed.”

“I don’t.”

“Admit that you do, or I will take you back, tie you down again, and prove you wrong.”

I was silent a moment. He said, “Okay,” and started to get up, cock inside me and everything.

I grabbed his shoulders in a panic. “No. Please. Okay, I admit it.” I couldn’t go through that again.

“You fucking idiot,” he said. That was his only answer to my capitulation. That, and renewed bathtub intercourse. He hit my G-spot like magic. I hated him for it. I hated him for making me feel good when he was such an asshole.

“I hate you,” I said.

“You don’t, but I don’t mind if you pretend.”

“I’m not pretending,” I said with more fire.

“I like design, Chere. I like chocolate cake. What do you like?”

I committed these small and pointless details about him to memory, and hated myself for it. “You’re giving me tidbits of information about you, what, as some form of apology for being an asshole?”

He ignored my vitriol. “What do you like, Chere?” he asked in a tone that demanded an answer.

“Seeing people who are fucking me.” That was my answer, and I felt like crying, and I still hated myself. “I like seeing the person whose cock is inside me. I know that sounds crazy and unreasonable.”

His fingers tightened on my arms. I waited for him to drown me, or throw me out of the tub, but he did neither. Instead he said, “If you want to date me without the blindfold, you have to be mine. Exclusive.”

Fuck. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to throw him out of the tub, but he felt so good inside me. He reached down to massage my clit.

“You can see me, starshine. You can see all of me. Just agree not to see anyone else for a while.”

Oh God, the temptation. I really wanted to know what he looked like. I couldn’t bear to never know, to never see him. “Fine,” I said in a huff. “I’ll be exclusive with you for a few months. Will you take off the blindfold now?” I wanted to see him so badly.