Page 34 of Defined By Deceit

“That’s great. There’s no security deposit. Just the first month’s rent to move in.”

Llew tucked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. “Um. Don’t you have an application or something to fill out?” A credit and criminal background check.

“I hadn’t even gotten around to making one up.” She tilted her head as if thinking about it. “But I get a good vibe from you, Llew. Not too many young men would offer to help carry a strange woman’s bags for her. The way you up and fixed my cabinet, just because it needed fixin’ and you were there. I can already see from your manners that you got good family upbringing. That’s what I’d like to have in a tenant. Not just some information on a piece of paper, that don’t mean diddly-do.”

Llew hinted at another smile. “Thank you,” he said, quietly.

“Oh you’re welcome, honey. If you like it, and it’s in your range; then it’s yours, Llew. Save me the trouble of running an ad,” she said, her eyes crinkling again with her sweet motherly smile. Come on down and we can talk some details while I start dinner. My grandson has quite an appetite and gets right fussy when he’s hungry. And after his nap, he’ll be hungry as a bear.”

Llew stepped back into her home and sat at the table, not knowing what else to do. She went about pulling some kind of stew meat and some vegetables out of her refrigerator. Llew’s stomach liked the idea of possibly having homemade beef stew. After setting another glass of tea in front of him, she went back to her stovetop.

“I’m really excited, Llew,” she said, chopping up vegetables. “I think you’re gonna love the town. What type of work do you do?”

Llew cleared his throat again. “Um. I can do ‘bout anything. But I wouldn’t mind working in construction.”

She frowned slightly, her eyes cutting up and to the left like she was thinking. “Hmm. My boy does construction, but he’s downsizing at the moment. Poor thing. Also, there’s a huge company based here that does a lot of the town’s construction. Big Daddy Smith’s son – my god-baby—took over the company when his daddy retired last year, and now they do construction in a few neighboring states, too. That boy of his is so smart, and sweet as pie. It was his guys that did your room for me. Didn’t they do a great job? Smith’s usually only does commercial stuff, but he insisted on doing it for me. He could probably use a strong man like you, Llew.” She seemed to say all that in one breath before adding, “Oh by the way, what’s your last name?”

Llew tensed before he could stop himself, glad that she had her back to him. He really didn’t want to answer that question, but there was no point not answering. She’d find out eventually. He just hopped he was able to prove he was a good guy before word got to Ms. Pat about who she’d just invited into her home.

“My name is Llew Gardner. Um, Llewellyn Gardner.”

Still adding numerous ingredients to a large pot. “That’s a lovely name, Llewellyn.”

“Thank you.”

She finally turned to him, wiping her hands on a small dishtowel. “So are you gonna say ‘yes’ to the room?”

Llew nodded his head. “Thank you very much. I sure appreciate it.”

She took the two keys out of her apron pocket and clasped his hand, placing them in his thick palm. Llew reached in his back pocket and retrieved his wallet, unfolding the right amount of cash to pay his first month’s rent. He slid it across the table towards her and she beamed with delight. “You can take your stuff up, Llewellyn.” She paused. “Do you mind if I call you, Llewellyn instead of Llew? I really like that name.”

He simply nodded his head again.

“You just don’t talk much do you, Llewellyn?” She swiped her hand in the air. “That’s okay, honey. I can talk plenty enough for the both of us.”

Llew gave her a small smile when she laughed at her own joke. “I’ll have dinner ready in a couple hours. You can make your own meals or if you want what I cook, all you gotta do is ask. I babysit my grandson during the day, so I’m always fixing something. It’s nice to have someone to cook for.”

Llew picked up his bag. He turned back before he got to the door. “I think I’ll go into town for a little bit and look around. See if I see any construction sites.”

“Sure thing, dear.” She went about what she was doing and before Llew could close his door, he heard her say on a soft sigh. “Such a sweet boy.”

Chapter Fourteen

Llew kept on his jeans, but pulled on the charcoal sweater he’d worn out the night he’d met Gene. Made him look like he cared about a first impression. Which he did. Although he’d only seen a few help-wanted postings in the paper, neither for Smith’s Construction, he’d go by there anyway and fill out an application.