“You smell good.” Trent dragged his nose along Wood’s Adam’s apple. “You smell like a gentleman.”

Wood smirked, then captured his lips again, quickly dominating the kiss. Trent was walked backward as he clung on to Wood’s neck until his back hit the wall. He grunted from the force, excitement swarming him as he let the muscled, horny ex-con grind his hard shaft into his thigh. Wood was hunched over him, nudging his face forcefully and going for his throat. He wanted to raise one leg and prop it on Wood’s hip and open himself up to take more thrusting, but he refrained. This was a first date for fuck’s sake, and he was already offering his ass up on a platter.

Wood inched one side of his turtleneck down and fingered his sensitive throat before he latched on and started to suck with intention. Trent bucked his hips forward, the shock of erotic pleasure and a bit of sting making him almost come undone. He craned his neck to the side and held the back of Wood’s head, their bodies sealed together as he took his claiming. “Wood.” He moaned, making the man suck harder. Trent hissed as his skin was pulled tight, his eyes falling shut.

Wood slowly released his abused flesh, then returned his collar neatly in place. No one would know that was there but the two of them. “You ready now?” Trent chuckled, sounding winded.

“I think so.” Wood’s gaze continued to lazily roam over his face, as if he was seeing Trent for the first time. “We better go before I change our plans to a night in.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Trent took the scenic route to Military Highway, then up Virginia Beach Boulevard that would take them to the oceanfront. The interstate would’ve gotten them there faster, but he didn’t want to rush tonight. When he’d first got home from prison a little over a year ago, he’d been happy enough to be reunited with his girlfriend, Cecilia… but shouldn’t he have been elated? The problem was she didn’t make him feel wanted, much less needed. When he saw her, there was no thrill. Not like when Wood greeted him with a deep kiss and a hot dinner when he came home from work. He’d genuinely tried to get to know his girl again and reconnect with her, but it never happened. She never made him feel the way Wood did.

“You’re quiet,” Wood murmured.

Trent inhaled, liking that his truck would smell like that gentleman’s cologne for several days. “Just enjoying the ride.”

Wood didn’t say anything else until Trent turned off Atlantic Avenue onto Laskin Road and parked in the Hilton garage. “A hotel?”

“There’s a restaurant that takes up half of the downstairs called Catch 31. Has the best surf and turf on the strip. And…” Trent glanced away, feeling a little awkward at how much effort he was putting into this evening. “They have good ocean-view seating… so…”

Wood smiled, then leaned toward him and kissed him on his cheek. “Sounds cool. Come on, let’s go. I’m starved.”

It felt twice as cold on the beach, and the short walk across Atlantic Avenue was enough to make his cheeks sting. Wood opened the door for him, and Trent touched him on his stomach when he walked by. The hostess greeted them with a bright smile, her energy high as if she was happy to see some customers.

“Two for dinner tonight?”

“Yeah,” Trent answered.

“Would you like something by the window? We have plenty of seating.” She laughed, gesturing at the near-empty restaurant.

“Yes. Thanks,” Wood answered.

They followed behind the hostess’s slim frame, past a bar that dominated the middle of the restaurant, until she was standing beside an oversized booth with an amazing view of the dark water. “How’s this?”

“Nice.” Trent nodded.

Wood slid into one side of the booth, and when Trent moved to sit across from him, Wood gripped his wrist. “Why don’t you sit beside me? There’s plenty of room.”

“Most people sit across from each other in a booth.” Trent tried to sit down, but Wood continued to hold on.

“We don’t need to follow those silly norms.”

“We’re not,” Trent huffed. “I was just… Okay, fine… you want me to sit beside you?”

“Yes. I don’t see a reason not to.”

“Okay. I’ll sit, then.” Trent avoided the woman’s eyes as she stood there holding their menus and watching their ridiculous back-and-forth. He allowed Wood to usher him into the booth and pull him close. Trent tried to look relaxed as the hostess placed two menus in front of them and opened them to the appetizers page. “Sean will be right over to take care of you guys. Enjoy.”

Trent nodded and watched her walk away.

“You okay?”

Trent jumped at how close Wood was, his mouth next to his ear and his thigh pressing firmly against his beneath the table. Trent turned his body toward the heat that emanated from Wood’s thick frame. He met his dark eyes when Wood draped his arm around him, bracing his elbow on the back of the booth. He fingered the freshly shaved hair at the base of Trent’s neck, causing an excited tremor to travel down his spine.