“Doesn’t hurt he’s easy on the eyes either.” Edison quirked a brow as if he dared Trent to disagree.

He wouldn’t. “He smells even better. Like a damn...” Trent rolled his eyes. Fuck. “How do I describe it?”

“He smells like a gentleman,” Edison added casually.

Trent snapped his fingers. “Yes! That’s a perfect description. He smells like he works in a gentlemen’s club.” Trent pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not even fully sure what that means.”

Edison chuckled as he opened a side drawer and switched combs, then took out a slim pair of hairline edgers and plugged them into an outlet. “I know exactly what you mean. He wears a classic fragrance that’s over forty years old.”

Trent whipped his head around, making Edison glare as if he almost made him mess up. “Unless you want to bring back the rattail, I suggest you sit still.”

Trent grabbed Edison’s wrist. “You know why he smells like that? Tell me because he keeps saying it’s his natural scent which I know is bullshit!”

Edison laughed loudly. “You two are funny. It sounds like you’re having a good time over there. But I can tell you honestly that Wood’s natural scent is definitely Givenchy Gentleman. I should know because I bought a bottle for my dad’s business partner for his birthday one year. It’s not a cologne you’d smell on a young guy, trust me.”

“How can he afford something that smells like that?” Trent asked. “Where can I get it? Is it expensive?”

Edison was having a hard time containing his grin as he repositioned Trent’s head and turned on the trimmers. “No. It’s a classic, not expensive at all. Like forty bucks or so.”

Trent was quiet for a while as Edison cleaned up his neck and shaped the overgrown stubble on his jaw. He had to admit he was starting to look pretty damn good, and he couldn’t help but wonder what Wood’s reaction would be when he saw him. Edison wasn’t even finished, and he was already glad he’d made this effort.

“You got quiet on me.”

Trent smirked. “I’m just glad I came here and not to the Hair Cuttery around the corner from my house.”

Edison stared blankly at him, then picked up the sharp shears he’d been using earlier. “Why don’t you stick these in my jugular, Trent? It’ll be less painful than what you just said.”

Trent shook his head. “You’re a cool dude, Edison.”

“I know.” Edison smiled. He grabbed one of the multiple bottles of products on the counter and squirted some clear liquid in his palm and ran it through the long strands of hair on the top of Trent’s head. “I’m gonna send you home with some of this styling gel to use after your shower. Just spread it through evenly like I did, combing it back with your fingers.”

“No problem.” Trent nodded as he tried to play it calm, but he was so damn excited it felt as if he was forcing himself to stay seated and still.


“Hmm?” he answered.

“Is there a reason you and Wood aren’t telling Bishop about this date? He still thinks y’all are struggling to get along.” Edison brushed the fallen hair off his neck, not quite meeting his eyes in the mirror.

He didn’t like putting Edison in the position to lie to his boyfriend, but Trent deserved the right to come out on his terms and to who he chose. “I’m gonna tell him, Edison, but I just need a little time. Bishop always makes me second-guess anything I do. He knows I’m impulsive, and I usually act first and think about the consequences later. I um… I don’t wanna be warned off.”

“I really don’t think he will. I love the idea of the two of you together, and Bishop would too. Wood could be good for your impulsive recklessness.” Edison shrugged.

Trent scowled. “Hey. I didn’t say I was reckless.”

Edison shook his head. “Forget it. Just have fun tonight, and don’t overthink it, Trent.”

“That’s why I came to you, Edison.” Trent ran his thumb down his neat sideburns. “You give great advice.”

“And free haircuts.”


Trent stood and brushed off more fallen hair. He offered to help Edison clean up, but he waved him off saying he was cutting Bishop’s hair later, so it could wait.

“What are you going to wear tonight?” Edison asked when they were out of the bathroom.

He wasn’t surprised Edison’s room was as neat as it was since the man was all about style, but Trent would never be able to get that enthusiastic about clothes. He picked up a couple of bottles of cologne off the dresser and gave them a quick sniff. “I have no clue what I’m wearing, Edison. It’s not that important.”

“Here. I got this online a few months ago, and it came too small,” Edison said from inside his closet.